Page 66 - br-mag-jan2019
P. 66

January 2019                                                                        January 2019
                                                                                           BERE REGIS                      Sidesmen

                           CHURCH AND VILLAGE                                              CHURCH ROTAS

        ACTIVITIES, SOCIETIES, CLUBS, ASSOCIATIONS and CONTACTS                                                             th
                                                                                                    Readers                6    10.00am       Mr Bates/Mr House
                                                                                                                                Chalice       Mr House/Mr Ward
                                                                                                    Parish Communion
       Association  Contact  Tel       Address      E-mail     Meetings/Info                                                    Intercessions   Miss Chesney
                                                                                                                                6.00pm        Mr Gibbs
                                                                                                    Gospel: Mr Smith

       Mothers’ Union   Nancy Gibson   472105   15 White Lovington   NancyEGibson  Monthly.  Turberville Court
                                       BH20 7NF   1st Wednesday. 2.00 p.m.             Epistle: Mr Wharf      13 th   11.00am    Junior Church
       Mobile Library   Dorset  County   01305      dorchestermob  Alternate fortnights   Car
                      Council    224440             ilelibrary@dorse  park
                                             Mondays 9.20- 9.50                 20                     20   10.00am       Mr Smith/Mr Croom
                                                               Fridays 10.50  -  12.15
                                                                                                    Gospel: Mr Croom            Chalice       Mr Smith/Mrs Cox
       Neighbour Car   Brenda House   01929         stockleyfarmpa  Community run transport
       Scheme                    471255             rtners@gmail.c  option                          Epistle: Mrs Bayliss        Intercessions   Mr Wharf
                                                                                                                                6.00pm        Mr Gibbs
       Pop in Place   Alison Bennett   472023   3 Rye Hill Close   popinplace@g  Weekly.  Drax Hall
                                       BH20 7LU   Monday and Friday                                             th
                                                               mornings                                                    27   6.00pm        Mr Smith/Mr House/Mr
                                                               10.00  -  12.00                                                                Croom
       Purbeck District   Peter Wharf   472246   The Old Vicarage   peterwharf@ho  Monthly surgery.  Turberville
       Councillor                      West Street   Court, Communal Lounge
                                                               1st Saturday @ 9.30—10.00
                                                                                           Cleaning and Dusting
       Bere Regis Pre-School      471334   Southbrook   preschool@ber  Providing care and education
       ‘Pebbles’                       Bere Regis  for children from 2 to 8 years,
                                                               including breakfast club from
                                       BH20 7DB       7.45 a.m. and after-school club           Cleaning             Dusting
                                                               until 5 p.m.
                                                                                            31 Dec &     Jenny Clifford       Margaret Miller
       Rotary Club of   David King   01929   Hyde Woods, Hyde   david.king@gb
       Wareham                   471087   Wareham, BH20 7NT                    7 January    Lesley Clarke        Hazel Green
                                                                                            14 & 21      Annie Nicholson      Jean Gibbs
       Salt and Pepper Lunch   Brenda House   471255      stockleyfarmpa  Monthly, Scout Hut, 3rd   January   Diana Fairhurst   Cythia Burden
       Club                                         rtners@gmail.c  Thursday. 12.30p.m.
                                                                                            28 January &   Pat Wharf          Sue Hazelrigg
       Table Tennis for Adults   Pauline Pitfield     01258         Mondays  7.00 to 9.00 pm
                                 839123                                                     4 February   Lorraine Butterfield

       Twinning Association   Jackie Ahern   07876      Jackie.ahern@hot  Meetings and events
                                 577012      arranged as and when.      Sanctuary Flower Guild
       W.I. (Bere Regis)   Mrs Dian Pitts   471322      pitts.dian   Monthly, Bere Regis Sports
                                             Club                                              6th      Epiphany
                                                               3rd Wednesday @ 7.30 pm
                                                                                                                   13th     Epiphany
       Woodbury Hill Singers   Mrs Kath Jeeves  471175   10 Turberville Court      Weekly  Turberville Court
                                                               Mondays @ 2.00 p.m.
                                                                                                                   20th     Epiphany
                                                                                                                   27th     Epiphany
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