Page 61 - br-mag-jan2019
P. 61

January 2019                         January 2019

 Bere Regis Junior Church   BLADEN SOCIAL CLUB

       The  charity  coffee  mornings  held  in  the  social  club  continued  to  be  well
       supported  during  2018  and  due  to  the  generosity  of  all  who  attended  these
       events the last two charity donations of the year were £150 to MacMillan Cancer
       Support and £100 to the Dorset Echo Christmas Toy appeal.
 Miraculous Catch   Please  note  there  are  no  Charity  Coffee  mornings  taking  place  until  after  the

       Social Club AGM on the 27  February.
 of Fish   Maintenance  of  the  social  club  facilities  and  décor  is  a  constant  task,  or  so  it
       often  seems,  and  in  the  latter  part  of  2018  club  finance  was  directed  to  the
       redecoration  of  the  bar  lounge  and  the  repair  and  refurbishment  of  the  skittle
       alley floor in the village hall. Further work on the bar lounge will take place in 2019
       to complete the upgrade and all those who have recently used the village hall
       will have noticed the improvement of the hall floor surface, which the skittle alley
       is a part.
                                                       Following  the  resounding
                                                       success  of  the  October
                                                       Quiz   night,   thanks   to
                                                       J e n n y    B e e d l e ’ s
                                                       o r g a n i s a t i o n    a b l y
                                                       supported    by   Jenny
                                                       Lightfoot  in  preparing  the
                                                       supper,  quiz  master  Iain
                                                       Titley has been persuaded
                                                       to  prepare  another  quiz.
                                                       The quiz night is scheduled
                                                       to  take  place  in  January,
                                                       followed  shortly  thereafter
       by the Artsreach “Inn Crowd” event that was postponed in October and then a
       Race Night in March.

       Details and dates for these events are still being finalised so please check Parish
       noticeboards and this magazine regularly for further information.
                                                                    Peter Talbot

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