Page 60 - br-mag-jan2019
P. 60

January 2019                                                                        January 2019
       AFFPUDDLE & TURNERSPUDDLE PARISH                                                    JUNIOR                     “Why don’t you come and join us at the

       COUNCIL                                                                             CHURCH                     Family Service on the second Sunday
                                                                                           NEWS                            of every month at 11.00 am”
       As a result of an earlier December deadline for the Parish Magazine this article has
       been submitted prior to the Parish Council’s December Meeting.   A summary of
       this Meeting will be included in the February edition, in the meantime an article will
       be prepared for publication on the community website, which can be found at          In  December  the  Junior  Church  (JC)  held  their  annual  “Cake  Service”.  This  is                                                               when the children decorate their own “Happy
                                                                                            Birthday Jesus” cake in the “Hour Before” and

                                                                                            then parade their cakes around the church at
       Parish Defibrillator Training                                                        the  end  of  the  service.  This  report  was  written
                                                                                            before  this  years’  service,  due  to  dead  line
       Following the installation of a new defibrillator in the Affpuddle telephone kiosk a   dates, but it is always a jolly service and I can
       training session for local residents was organised and took place in the Village Hall   still  describe  the  Junior  Church’s  plans.  Photos
       on Saturday 24  November between 10am and noon.  Approximately two dozen             are obviously more difficult, but I have included
       Parishioners were in attendance for a very informative hands on session given by     a very special one from a few years ago, which
       David from The Community HeartBeat Trust.
                                                                                            shows  the  delight  of  a  young  child  whilst
       Thanks also go to David Griffith who has managed the whole project and to the        producing her cake!
       Village Hall Committee for waiving the hall hire.
                                                                                            As  in  all  of  our  JC  services  there  will  be  a
       During the morning those present heard about another initiative provided by the      traditional  hymn  (carol  in  this  case)  at  the
       HeartBeat  Trust,  namely  VETS.    The  idea  behind  this  is  to  support  community   beginning and end, a couple of puppet songs,
       resilience,  providing  a  service  to  help  villages  install  and  run  a  Volunteer   some action songs for the children and a drama for the story. This Christmas we
       Emergency Telephone System.  The Parish Council will consider this initiative at its   are thinking about “Shepherds and Angels” so “Whilst Shepherds Watch” & “Hark
       January  meeting.    More  information  can  be  found  by  following  this  link  https://  the Herald Angels Sing” are the carols. The action song is “Little Donkey” with lots                                    of pointing at Bethlehem or the star, and ringing out bells etc. The puppet’s songs
                                                                                            are  a  lively  “Saviours  Day”  as  in  the  Cliff  Richards  song,  plus  a  beautiful
                                                                                            arrangement of a classic carol called the “Shepherd’s Pipe Song”. When I saw

                                         Parish Noticeboards                                the puppeteers practising I was much moved. The puppeteers are children from
                                                                                            five to twelve and I am very proud of all of them.
                                         The  Waddock  Cross  Noticeboard  has  now
                                         been  replaced  and  the  Briantspuddle  one       The story is quite different from normal. It is from the Innkeepers’ point of view! It is
                                         has been repaired.                                 the morning after the great event and the innkeepers are discussing the “knees
                                                                                            up”  from  the  night  before  in  front  of  their  children.    One  is  very  positive,
                                                                                            thoughtful and amazed, one is cross and unbelieving. Comments such as “What
                                                                                            kind  of  god  sends  an  angelic choir  to  announce  the  birth  of his  long  awaited
                                                                                            saviour to a filthy, flea-infested bunch of tone deaf shepherds?” A bit like real life
                                                                                            The service finished with mulled wine and mince pies.
                                                                                            Over  November  and  December  the  Junior  Church  and  friends  have  been
                                                                                            making, icing & decorating over a hundred “Happy Birthday Jesus” cakes to be
                                                                                            distributed  to  the  ”Honoured  Oldies”  of  the  Parish  as  a  Christmas  gift.  I  would
                                                                                            thank all the people that have helped.
       Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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