Page 45 - br-mag-jan2019
P. 45

January 2019                         January 2019

                       AUTUMN LEAVES
                       OVER  50’S CLUB
       Group News

 Congratulations  to  our  Group  Scout   Kath  Jeeves  the  Founder  and  Leader  of  the  Autumn  Leaves
 Leader,   Neal   Unitt-Jones,   who   was   over  60s  group,  would  like  to  wish  all  the  members  a  very
 presented  with  his  20  Year  Service  Award   Happy Christmas and a Peaceful and Healthy New Year.
 by  the  District  Commissioner  at  a  recent
 meeting.     Our  December  meeting  was  a  very  enjoyable  musical  afternoon.    The
       entertainment was by some members of “Canzonetta" which is a very successful,
       local, singing group.
 Explorer News   Our first meeting in the New Year will also be
       a  musical  one,  but  will  be  very  different!

       Dave Arnold will be coming to play and sing
       popular  songs  from  the  Golden  Era  of  the
       Fifties and Sixties.
 Scout News
       I can assure you that it will be something to
 After Hot House Camp we decided to go   look forward to. Why don’t YOU come along
 away again for a quick 24 hour Flash Expedition, a few brave scouts set off to   and see for yourself?  If you do join us, you
 walk from Bere Regis over to Winterborne Anderson without leaders  - we were   can  be  sure  of  a  warm  welcome  and  an
 tracking  them  so  we  knew  where  they  were  at  all  times  even  if  they  didn’t.    excellent  afternoon  tea.  Find  a  friend  to
 Whilst they walked we took essentials to camp and then met them at the road   come with you and join the nice ladies and
 crossing on the A31 to get them safely to the site.  We had a basic field shelter   gentlemen at the Scout Hut on Wednesday
 and built a camp fire to keep us warm and of course to toast the marshmallows   9  January at 2.30.
 over.  They all did really well carrying the kit they needed, tents, sleeping bags
 and  mats,  food  and  cooking  equipment.    Dinner  was  boiled  rice  and  either
 chicken curry or meat free bolognaise followed by apple pies.
 A  wet  and  windy  night  was
 endured  and  most  slept  very  well.
 The next morning they packed up
 and set off back to Bere Regis via
 Winterborne Kingston this time and
 once again we tracked them and
 met  up  with  them  a  couple  of
 times to help them cross the roads.
 Back to the hut in record time and
 they  all  managed  to  tick  a  few
 b o x e s    o n    t h e i r    b a d g e
 requirements.    At our meetings we
 have  made  and  decorated
 cupcakes,  played  wide  games  in   839209
 the  dark,  decorated  the  hut  for

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