Page 48 - br-mag-jan2019
P. 48

January 2019                                                                        January 2019

       SURGERY NEWS                                                                               Dorchester

       Flu Vaccinations
                                                                                              Picture and framing service
       Just  to  remind  all  patients  who  are
       eligible,  we  still  have  some  vaccines                                               with a wide selection of
       available.  It  is  not  too  late  to  have                                               mounts and frames.
       one.  Please  contact  Reception  to                                                     Open most days but best
       make  your  appointment.  Tel:  01929
       471268                                                                                   call first before making a
                                                                                                      special trip.

       New Telephone System

       As many of you are aware, a new telephone system has been installed. Thank you            The Old School House
       for your continued support during this changeover period.                                   Tincleton DT2 8QR

                                                                                                  01305 848909
                                               Dispensary Opening Times

                                               The  Dispensary  is  open  daily    from
                                               8.30  -12.30pm  and  from  2.30  -  6.30
                                               pm.  On  a  Wednesday  the
                                               Dispensary  is  open  between  8.30  -      NEWS FROM WESTMINSTER

                                                                                            You  may  have  seen  in  the  news  before  Christmas
                                               Dispensary Queries/                          the  slightly  bizarre  news  that  an  animal  welfare
                                                                                            charity  asked  the  village  of  Wool  to  change  its
                                               Telephone calls                              name to “Vegan Wool”. Dorset is well known for its
                                               The  Dispensary  will  only  be  taking      interesting place names, but I had never considered
                                               telephone  calls  between  13.00  -          Wool to be one of them. I love the fact that places
       14.00 pm every day.                                                                  in  my  constituency  such  as  Happy  Bottom  and
                                                                                            Shitterton  have  never  changed  their  names  out  of
       Telephone  01929 471268 and choose Option 2.                                         concern  for  political  correctness  –after  all,  why
                                                                                            should  we  change  ancient  names  which  have

                                                                                            endured quite happily for many generations.
       Telephone Ordering
                                                                                            I  grew  up  in  the  rural  county  of  Herefordshire,  which  has  many  similarities  to
       Please note, we are not accepting prescription requests over the telephone.          Dorset,  though  fewer  strange  names!  I  have  lived  in  Dorset  with  my  family  for
                                                                                            over  15  years  now,  and  although  I  am  aware  that  this  makes  us  relative

                                                                                            newcomers, it really is my home. Every week when I return to the constituency
       Online Ordering
                                                                                            from Westminster my heart lifts as I leave the hustle and bustle of London behind,
       You    can   order   your   prescription   online   from   our   website             and I can breathe the fresh Dorset air.    To  activate  your  account  you  will  need  a  user

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