Page 49 - br-mag-jan2019
P. 49

January 2019                         January 2019

       name and password from Reception. Please bring some identification with you.
        If you are experiencing any difficulties accessing any of these services, come in
 The new “Dorset Council”    and discuss with the Dispensary Team.

 The  first  level  senior  management  team  have  now
 been recruited and should be in position by May of   Staff Training
 next year at the latest. Elections for the new Council;
 will be held on Thursday May 4  (apologies if I said   Please note that the Surgery will be closed for staff training on the following date:
 the 2  in an earlier report) and will be for the new   Thursday 17th January 2019 from 3.30-6.30pm
 ward of West Purbeck which will include Bere Regis,
 Bloxworth, Bovington, East Burton, Wool, Affpuddle &   Carers’ Meeting
 Briantspuddle,  Moreton,  Chaldon  Herring,  Winfrith,
 East Lulworth, Coombe Keynes and West Lulworth.   The next meeting will take place in February 2019. Please see the noticeboard in
       the Waiting Room for more details.

 Bere Regis Roadworks
       Cake Stall/Cookie Jar Competition
 DCC will be temporarily closing Chamberlaynes, Bere Regis between 31st January
 2019 and 1st February 2019. The road will be closed between the hours of 09:00   Thank  you  to  all  Patients  and  Friends  who  provided  cakes  at  our  Flu  Clinic.  We
 and  16:00  daily,  to  enable  DCC  to  carry  out  maintenance  work,  but  will  be   raised  a  staggering  £91.70.  The  cookie  jar  raffle  raised  £274.25,  thank  you  so
 reopened at night and at weekends. There will be a diversion route for drivers with   much. We are pleased to announce that the jar and a portion of the prize money
 signs.   was  won  by  Barbara  Stormont.  Congratulations!  As  previously  announced,  the
       money raised  was donated to the Carers’ Christmas Party.

       EMERGENCIES when the  Surgery is
 Surgeries  are  held  on  the  first  Saturday  of  every  month.  These  are  held  at  the   closed
 communal Lounge in Turberville Court in Bere Regis from 09.30 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. If
 you  cannot  make  one  of  these  please  email  me  and  I  will  arrange  to  come   If you require URGENT  medical attention or advice
 around to see you. If you have any questions or queries related to the business of   that  cannot  wait  until  the  Surgery  is  open,  please
 Dorset County Council please come along. If anyone wants to contact me and   call:
 cannot get to the surgery my email address is
       Urgent Care Service on 111  or
 Peter Wharf, County Councillor
       If you are seriously ill or have had a serious accident,
       call 999 and ask for an ambulance

 The first meeting of the floral group in the new year will be
 the  AGM  on  Tuesday  January  8   at  2pm  in  Winterborne
 Kingston  village  hall.    The  meeting  will  be  followed  by  tea
 and cakes.

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