Page 9 - br-January-2018
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January 2018                         January 2018
   This  will  be  the  last  opportunity  to  make  representations  before  the  Plans  are
 submitted  to  the  Secretary  of  State  for  Communities  and  Local  Government,   EMMAUS AND CONFIRMATION COURSES
 during  early  2018,  and  subsequent  independent  examination  takes  place.  You
 should  only  comment  on  whether  or  not  you  consider  the  plan  to  be  sound
 (positively  prepared,  justified,  effective  and  consistent  with  national  policy)  or   The Emmaus course has been running with 13 of us involved from both parishes
 legally compliant as these are the matters which the inspector will consider at the   which has certainly produced some interesting discussions I believe. After the first
 examination.      Further   guidance   is   available   on   the   website   six sessions, we are taking a break and re-starting on Monday 15  January at the
       home of Audrey Grindrod for three more sessions. After another short break we will
       take up the last 5 sessions during Lent beginning on February 19  and these will be
 Consultation will start on 1 December 2017 and end at 5pm on 31 January 2018.   at  the  home  of  Penny  and  Jonathan  Haigh.  Thank  you  those  who  host  for  the
 Please  note  that,  as  this  is  a  statutory  consultation  stage,  late  representations   welcome!
 cannot be accepted.
       The Confirmation group will have finished shortly before Christmas and it has been
 All  the  proposed  submission  documents,  including  the  Sustainability  Appraisal   truly inspiring for me – and I hope for the others who have taken part. If you are
 Report and other supporting documents will be available on the Council’s website   interested  (either  as  someone  wanting  to  be  confirmed  or  someone  who  was
 at:      confirmed some year ago) in another course, just let me know.

 What happens after the consultation period finished?
 After  31  January  2018,  the  Council  will  submit  the  Mineral  Sites  Plan  and  Waste   BERE REGIS
 Plan  (together  with  supporting  documents),  together  with  all  representations   MOTHERS'
 received, to the Secretary of State.
 The examination into both Plans is expected to take place during May/June 2018.
 The  examination  will  be  carried  out  by  an  independent  Planning  Inspector
 appointed by the Secretary of State. The Inspector may request persons making   May we wish you all a Happy New Year from Bere Regis M.U.
 representations  to  attend  the  examination.  It  should  however  be  noted  that   Our December meeting got us all off to a good start for the festive season with
 written  and  oral  representations  carry  the  same  weight  and  will  be  given equal   carols  and  seasonal  readings.    This  was  followed  by  tea  and  a  selection  of
 consideration by the Inspector in the examination process.   refreshments.  We were especially pleased to see our guests.
  If you have any queries or require further information, please do not hesitate to   Our next meeting on Wednesday 3  January will be our gift exchange and quiz.
 make contact on 01305 228585 or 228571 email
       On  Saturday  20   January  2016  we  are  holding  a  Social  Morning  at  Turberville
       Court starting at 10.30am.  As well as refreshments we will also be running a raffle
 BLADEN SOCIAL CLUB   and a bring-and-buy sale.
       Please remember that your annual subscription will be due.
       New members are always welcome.  Please contact Nancy Gibson on 01929-
 During  the  course  of  each  year  the  Bladen  Social  Club  hosts  Charity  coffee   472105.
 mornings, about every two months or so, as well as other events in aid of charity
 such as the Village Quiz that took place in June.                  Angela Jones – Magazine Secretary
       Date of Next Meeting
 The Bladen Social Club wishes to thank everyone who has attended the coffee
 mornings and other events and thereby helped raise in excess of £700 in 2017 for     3  January       Turberville Court    Wednesday     2.00 pm
 local and other charities, the latest coffee morning in November raised £100 for   Dates for your Diary
 the Dorset Echo Christmas Toy Appeal.
       20  January          Turberville Court     Saturday      10.30 am
 It is hoped that you and others will continue to support the coffee mornings and
                            Social Morning

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