Page 13 - br-January-2018
P. 13

January 2018                         January 2018

 adults enjoy their teas and coffees. Just ask at the counter.
 Book-Let is on the 2  Saturday of each month from 10am to 12 noon (the same
 time as the coffee shop). Please let me have your e-mail address if you would like
 to be reminded in advance each month.   Sundays  10.30am    Morning  Service    taken  each  week  by    visiting
 Angie Talbot  01929 472483 or
        Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting

        Tuesdays at 9.15am (during term time)  Chapel Toddlers Group
        Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer
        At the start of this New Year we give thanks to God for all His blessings of the past
        year. At the end of 2016 we did not expect that we would be without a minister in
 Reverend Bob Naylor   2017, but God called Pastor Jim Morris to Himself and we found ourselves in a new
        and  unexpected  place.  But  God  has  provided  for  us.  We  have  had  excellent
 The members of the Parish Council were saddened to learn of the passing of the   preachers  each  Sunday,  our  weekday  activities  have  continued  and  we  work
 Reverend Bob Naylor. He was very much loved within our community and will be   together  to  maintain  the  proclamation  of  the  good  news  of  Jesus,  our  Saviour
 deeply missed.    and  Lord.    We  look  forward  expectantly  to  see  what  God’s  plans  are  for  us  in

 Parish Council Support for Briantspuddle Village Hall (BVHC)   As  a  church  we  were  so  sad  to  hear  of  the  death  of  Rev.  Bob  Naylor  on  7
        December, and we express our deep sympathy to Bob’s wife Joan, their family,
 Following requests for clarification from a number of residents the PC continues to   and to Rev. Charles and the Bere Regis and Affpuddle Churches .  We know that
 support the charity in regard to the important role it plays in the social fabric of   Bob  was  loved  in  both  villages  and  that  his  ministry  among  you  was  much
 the community. The strategy for financial support has necessarily been changed   appreciated,  as  was  very  clear  from  the  lovely  tribute  in  this  magazine  when
 due to legal advice received from the National Association of Local Councils.    Bob’s official duties during the inter regnum came to an end. We pray that God’s
        love and faithfulness will sustain and comfort you all at this time.
 The  Parish  Council  has  been  advised  that  it  should  not  fund  any  obligation

 transferred to another party by legal agreement.  With regard to the Charity, the
 Lease  between  the  BVHC  and  PC  governs  the  relationship  between  and  the   New Year
 responsibilities of both parties. The Charity is responsible for the running costs of the
 hall and the maintenance of the fabric of the building.  In the past, the council   I wonder if you stayed up to see in the New Year,
 has contributed to the annual insurance cost but, along with other running costs   or  even  joined  the  crowds  in  Swanage  or
 and maintenance, will no longer be able to do so.    Bournemouth. Why do such large crowds gather
        in London  to  wait  for  Big  Ben  to  strike  the hour?
 However  the  Parish  Council  can  consider  grants  for  specific  projects  outside  of   Why  do  thousands  of  people  gather  in  Times
 BVHC’s  legal  responsibilities  and  this  year  awarded  a  sum  of  £750  towards  a   Square,  New  York  to  watch  a  huge  lighted  ball,
 replacement cooker.     which  is  on  a  pole  fixed  to  the  top  of  a  tall
        building,  drop  down  the  pole  in  a  matter  of
 Moving  forward  the  PC  will  continue  to  consider  all  applications  for  funding   seconds at midnight on New Year’s Eve? There is
 through the annual S133/137 grant system in line with its Grant Policy.  The sums   always a very good firework display, but perhaps
 awarded will, in part, be balanced against the expenditure required by the PC, in   one  reason  for  the  crowds  is  because  people
 order  to  fund  its  running  and  project  costs.    A  copy  of  the  Grant  Policy,  is   very  much  want  to  leave  behind  the  problems,
 available in the Parish Council section of the Parish website.     the unanswered questions and the ‘whys’ of the
        year  just  ended,  and  have  a  fresh  start.    I  was
        very pleased that Big Ben was reprieved from its
 Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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