Page 10 - br-January-2018
P. 10

January 2018                                                                        January 2018

                                                                                           As reported last month, a parishioner has offered to manage the project to install
                                                                                           a defibrillator in the Affpuddle box.  This work is progressing apace.

                                                                                           Briantspuddle Noticeboard
                                                                                           The  Bladen  Social  Club  Committee  have  expressed  concern  that  the
                                                                                           Noticeboard, attached to the wall of the club, may overtime cause damage to
                                                                                           the wall.  Based on this concern the Noticeboard will be relocated.  The new site
                                                                                           should have the added advantage of being more accessible for residents and
                                                                                           repairs will also be carried out.

                                                                                           Local Government Reorganisation
                                                                                           PDC are withdrawing its opposition to the reorganisation of councils in Dorset, this
                                                                                           was agreed by majority at its December meeting.  PDC will be joining the process
                                                                                           to  maintain  services  at  a  reasonable  cost  and  level  of  efficiency.    Over  the
                                                                                           coming months the Parish Council will be discussing the impact this will have on
                                                                                           the role and responsibilities of the Parish Council

                                                                                           Minerals and Waste Plans Consultation
                                                                                           Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole Pre-Submission Draft Mineral Sites Plan
                                                                                           Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole Pre-Submission Draft Waste Plan
                                                                                           Town  and  Country  Planning  (Local  Planning)  (England)  Regulations  2012
                                                                                           (Regulation 19)
                                                                                            The Pre-Submission Drafts of the Mineral Sites Plan and the Waste Plan, along with
                                                                                           accompanying evidence reports has been published.
                                                                                            The Mineral Sites Plan identifies specific locations for sand and gravel, crushed
                                                                                           rock, ball clay, Purbeck Stone, other building stone and a site for the provision of
                                                                                           recycled aggregates. An aggregates area of search is also proposed which will
                                                                                           facilitate  additional  supply,  providing  certain  criteria  are  met.  In  addition,  the
                                                                                           Plan also proposes the allocation of the Puddletown Road Policy Area, facilitating
                                                                                           better  integrated  mineral  working  and  longer-term,  improved  management  of
                                                                                           mineral sites, after extraction is finished and they have been restored.
                                                                                            The  Waste Plan, once adopted, will establish  the vision, objectives and spatial
                                                                                           strategy  for  the  development  of  waste  management  facilities  in  Bournemouth,
                                                                                           Dorset and Poole up to 2033. The Waste Plan contains thirteen site allocations for
                                                                                           new  and  improved  waste  management  facilities  to  meet  the  needs  of
                                                                                           Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole. In addition, the Plan contains a series of detailed
                                                                                           policies that will be used when determining future planning applications for waste

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