Page 7 - br-January-2018
P. 7

January 2018                         January 2018

       It  was  truly  up-lifting  to  see  so  many  people  come  to  the  School  Hall  for  our
 Allan and Andrea Smith would like to give a big thankyou to all who supported   Christmas Fayre. We had decided to try a bigger event than in the past. We are
 the “Hope Children’s’ Home” stall at the Christmas Fair on 26  November. Sales of   always grateful to the Scouts for the use of their Hut for various occasions but the
 Nepali crafts supported the Nepali ladies’ co-operative who make the items, and   hall was more suitable for size on this one. We should like to thank all those who
 also  the  education  costs  for  the  orphan  and  abandoned  children  at  the   worked so hard beforehand and those who bought and sold on the day. You will
 children’s home in Butwal, Nepal. The magnificent total of £320 was raised during   be glad to hear that we raised just over £1,000. Well done everyone and thank
 the fair, thank you again to all who made this possible by purchasing items. We   you!
 would also like to thank Angie and Tamsyn who set up the stall and helped man
       FOOD BANK

        While the church is out of use, the box for any of your donations is in the porch of
        the Vicarage and it will be super if you can still provide the necessary things as
        you have been doing. During the winter months and at Christmas, it is as much
        needed as ever. I would remind you:
        This provides a simple way of helping people who have fallen on hard times.
        I would ask: Please ensure that your gifts are at least 6 months in date.
        You do not have to be a church member to contribute!

 ADVERTISING RATES     The boxes are emptied regularly  and the contents given to the Wareham Food
 for the year 2018
        The list of what is most appropriate is:
 (Cheques to be made payable to Bere Regis PCC)
 Rates for charitable, community or non-profit organisations are charged at 50% of above.      Tinned Soup,       Rice/Sponge Pudding      Tea Bags/Coffee
           Fruit Juice (carton),    (Tinned),            Instant Mash Potato,
 Full year advertising is based on complete calendar years.  Adverts inserted for part      Tomatoes (Tinned),
           Pasta Sauces,                                 Tinned Meat/Fish,
 years are charged at a pro-rata rate of the full year cost.  Full year advertisers are      Pasta/Rice (1kg),
           Baked Beans,                                  Tinned Fruit,
 automatically included on both village websites.
                                 Tinned Vegetables,       Sugar (500g),
 Full page, full year   £247   Full page, one month   £35.00      Biscuits or snack bars

 Half page, full year   £150   Half page, one month   £20.00

 Third page, full year   £113   Third page, one month   £15.00
                                             The FOOD BANK provides for
 Quarter page, full year   £93   Quarter page, one month   £12.00
                                             local individuals and families in
                                                         crisis -
 Small-ads, full year   £67   Small-ads, one month   £10.00
                                               Thank you for your support!
 For all advertising enquiries, contact the Editor, details on inside back cover.

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