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January 2018                                                                        January 2018

       One  of  the  great  privileges  of  being  a  Parish  Priest  is  to  conduct  those  special
       occasions,  Christenings,  Weddings  and  Funerals.  At  a  Wedding  service,  or    DATES FOR
       sometimes before, I suggest to the bride and groom that each anniversary that
       comes along is an opportunity to take stock of how God has blessed their union in
       the past year. Just recently, on November 20 , Her Majesty the Queen and Prince              YOUR DIARY
       Philip celebrated seventy years of marriage – a remarkable achievement! What is
       so wonderful is to see the love bond between them change, yes, but grow and
       deepen  through  the  years.  Now  we  have  heard  that  Prince  Harry  is  to  marry   2018
       Meghan Markel in the Spring of 2018; we wish them every happiness in their life
       together and may their common concern for many suffering people in our world         January
       keep them truly close to each other.
                                                                                            17th    WI  -  New Year Party
       The turn of the year, while ‘ringing out the old and ringing in the new’ brings us all,
       at whatever stage of life we are at, to take stock of how God has blessed us in
       2017. Of course, for some looking back, there will undoubted sadness in the loss     February
       that they have suffered and for others there will have been enormous challenges,     13th    WI  -  Pancake Day
       but even if this is the case for you, I hope that you have found comfort in the love   16th   Pop in Place, Fun Quiz
       of family and friends and indeed from God in the comfort and support shown you.
       As there have been a number of funerals this year that I have been asked to lead,    21st    WI  -  Hotch Potch, Food Allergies
       I  should  like  to  thank  family  members  for  giving  me  the  privilege  of  doing  so.  I
       sincerely believe that the Christian Church can offer the best both in Weddings
       and Funerals! However I hope that most of us, whatever the challenges will have      March
       been, can look back in thankfulness for many blessings. Hopefully too we can feel    30th    Pop in Place, Easter Bonnets Parade, Easter Egg Raffle
       that God’s love is an ever greater reality in our lives.                                     And Hot Cross Buns, Upper Hall             10.00am-12.00noon

       Our  World  –  and  particularly  its  media  communications  -  seems  to  have  a
       penchant for concentrating on all the bad things and certainly there is much in      April
       our world that could cause us deep concern; I will not list all those countries where
       civil war brings so much physical pain and mental torture. Our world leaders too
       frequently seem better at causing division rather than cooperation. It strikes me    May
       time and time again, that as we so often turn our backs in our own country on the
       teachings of Jesus, that we drift further into mess. Well, I am an optimist and, more   4th   Pop in Place AGM, Lower Hall                         10.30am
       importantly than that, I am a man of faith and I believe that if as Christians we are   16th   Pop in Place, Village Quiz, Upper Hall              7.30pm
       more  willing  to  proclaim  the  truths  that  Jesus  taught,  all  could  be  well.  So  my
       resolution this January will be to pray for a coming back to God for our nation and
       indeed for our World...indeed his World!                                             June
                                                                                            21st    Pop in Performers Summer Show, Muscial                6.00pm
       As  I  wish  you  all  a  very  happy  New  Year,  I  pray  that  it  will  be  one  of  greater   22nd   Pop in Performers Summer Show, Muscial      7.00pm
       peace, joy and above all, God’s love.
                                                                                            23rd    Pop in Performers Summer Show, Muscial                2.00pm
       Your loving Vicar and Friend,


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