Page 28 - br-January-2018
P. 28

January 2018                                                                        January 2018
       I have also recently visited Waverley house in Wimborne. This is run by BCHA, which
       is  a  local  specialist  housing  and  support  provider,  who  help  homeless  and     Paul Martin    07788 185048

       vulnerable  people  access  the  right  housing,  health,  learning  and  work       Electrics          01929 289323
       opportunities. I often meet local housing associations, and I hear first-hand from
       constituents  about  the  issues  they  have  with  housing,  homelessness  and  the 
       challenges of finding somewhere to live close to where they work, or where their      Local BH20 electrician,  with over forty years’
       children are at school.
                                                                                             experience offering:-
       I continue to hold regular surgeries for constituents all year round and if you have                                        Small load  -  £75  Large load  -  £160
       an  issue  that  you  need  help  with,  please  do  get  in  touch;  email  me  on    Consumer Unit (fuse or contact my office on 01202 624216. You           board) Replacement
       can  also  follow  what  I’ve  been  doing  on  Twitter                                Emergency call-out
       @Michael4mdnp      or                                      Service
                                                                                              Additions and
                                                                                              Alterations to Existing
       PM AWARDS OUTSTANDING LOCAL                                                            Portable Appliance
                                                                                             No VAT – Fully Insured
                                                                                             Part P Compliant
       The  Prime  Minister  has  recognised                                                 Free Estimates
       Alison  Bennett,  from  Bere  Regis,  for                                             All Work Guaranteed
       her  volunteering  work  with  ‘The  Pop
       In Place’, a local community hub of
       social action she has run for over 20
       years.  Michael  Tomlinson  MP
       recommended  Alison  for  the  award                                                                                               Dorchester
       and  was  delighted  that  she  was                                                                                                  Framing
       chosen to be honoured in this way.

       Alison  is  the  latest  recipient  of  the                                                                                    Picture and framing service
       Points  of  Light  award,  which                                                                                                 with a wide selection of
       recognises  outstanding  volunteers                                                                                               mounts and frames.
       who  are  making  a  change  in  their
       community and inspiring others. Each                                                                                            Open most days but best
       day,  someone,  somewhere  in  the  country  is  selected  to  receive  the  award  to                                          call first before making a
       celebrate their remarkable achievements.                                                                                               special trip.

       In a personal letter to Alison, Prime Minister Theresa May said:
                                                                                                                                         The Old School House
       “The  success  of  the  ‘Pop  in  Place’  community  hub  is  a  testament  to  your
       commitment  to  bringing  people  together,  and  your  ability  to  inspire  people  to                                           Tincleton DT2 8QR
       engage  in  social  action.  Through  an  entertaining  programme  of  fundraising                                                 01305 848909
       events, you have given support to various local charities and achieved your own
       personal goal of raising £100,000. You should feel very proud of dedicating over

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