Page 25 - br-January-2018
P. 25

January 2018                         January 2018

 exactly  a  safe haven.  Eventually  Saroo  is  adopted  by  an  Australian  couple  and
 finds love and security as he grows up in Hobart. As an adult, not wanting to hurt
 his  adoptive  parents'  feelings,  Saroo  suppresses  his  past,  his  emotional  need  for
 reunification  and  his  hope  of  ever  finding  his  lost  mother  and  brother.  But  a
 chance meeting with some fellow Indians reawakens his buried yearning. Armed
 with only a few memories and his unwavering determination, Saroo sets out to find
 his lost family and finally return to his first home.



 Measles Outbreaks – Linked to
 importations from Europe

 Please  be  aware  that  there  have  been
 reported measles outbreaks in England linked
 to importations of the virus from Europe.
 The Romanian community and travellers to Romania and Italy are at particular
 risk  of  acquiring  measles  infection.  Experience  from  recent  outbreaks  in  this
 community  shows  that  ,  despite  living  in  the  UK  for  years,  many  recent  cases
 have been unvaccinated , and that families are often not registered with a GP
 Patients  over  the  age  of  three  years  and  four  months  who  do  not  have  two
 recorded doses of MMR vaccine remain eligible. There is no upper age limit to
 offering  MMR  vaccine.  If  you  have  any  queries  regarding  your  immunisation
 status, please contact the Surgery.

 Surgery -  Compliments
 We are very fortunate to have an excellent Practice Team here at Bere Regis, our
 patients are often complimentary about our staff and services  for which we are
 very  grateful.  As  well  as  telling  us,  could  we  ask  if  you  might  be  prepared  to
 record your comments either on one of our ‘Friends and Family’ surveys which
 you will find currently on the table in the Waiting Room or if you would leave a
 Surgery review on the NHS Choices Website?

 Log on to:
 Or search for NHS Choices Bere Regis Surgery
 Thank you.

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