Page 23 - br-January-2018
P. 23

January 2018                         January 2018



 December’s Special Tree Planting Event
 It was a pleasure to be able to welcome so many to our
 tree planting event – we had 18 volunteers, a big thank
 you to all. As you can see from the
    photos there were a wide range of
 ages present.

       The waste plan considers how much waste is being produced in Dorset, how it is
       currently being managed and how this might change. It also identifies sites to
 After  clearing  an  area  of  nettles,
 brambles  and  barbed  wire  we   meet the need for new waste management facilities in the future.
 planted  up  a  length  of  hedgerow    The following thirteen site allocations are included in the final Draft Waste Plan.
 between  the  fence  to  the  new
 school and the boardwalk. All you can see at present is a double row of plastic
 tubes  sticking  out  of  the  ground.  But,  protected  from  rabbits,  deer  and  the   Inset 1 Woolsbridge Industrial Estate   Local waste transfer
 weather are a selection of hedgerow trees which we look forward to emerging in       Strategic waste transfer/treatment of
 the Spring and in coming years forming a new hedgerow which will provide food   bulky waste
 for and a home to wildlife. We also planted some trees alongside the fence to
 Souls Moor, between the boardwalk and the river. As you can see, the pony on   Inset 2 Land South of Sunrise Business   Waste Management Centre
 Souls Moor was taking a keen interest!
       Park, Blandford

 Our Next Conservation Working Parties – Come and Join Us   Inset 3 Brickfields Business Park,   Household Recycling Centre
 The next working parties will be held on:   Waste vehicle depot
 Saturday 6th January 2018   Inset 4 Land at Blackhill Road, Holton   Waste transfer station
       Heath Industrial Estate
 Saturday 3rd February 2018                 Waste vehicle depot
 Saturday 3rd March 2018.
       Inset 5 Loudsmill, Dorchester        Household Recycling Centre

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