Page 70 - feb-mag-2022
P. 70

February 2022                        February 2022

 NEWS FROM WESTMINSTER           Did you Know?

 As always in politics, things have been moving very   You can have your parish magazine delivered to your door each month if
 quickly  recently.  The  Health  Secretary  has  just   you live within the parishes.
 announced that the self-isolation period for people
 with a confirmed covid infection has been reduced   We have a fantastic team of volunteer distributors who undertake the
 to  5  days.  If  you  test  negative  on  day  5  and  then   delivery of this magazine, and for just £8 a year (which is £1 less than you
 again  on  day  6,  you  no  longer  have  to  stay  at
 home. Of course, like with any other illness, if you are   would pay at the retail price and no charge for delivery),  you could be
 still unwell you should not return to work, and if you   included on one of these rounds.
 have a temperature you should continue to stay at
 home.  This  decision  to  shorten  the  self-isolation   Contact the Editor, for more information:  Alison Debenham
 period  is  good  news  has  been  made  following    or  01929 471780
 extensive  work  by  the  UK  Health  Security  Agency,
 which has looked at data on transmission and infectiousness very carefully.

 I hope that that even more restrictions will be lifted in the coming days and that
 infections  of  covid  will  continue  to  decrease.  It  is  clear  that  the  rollout  of
 vaccinations is still going very well in Dorset, with almost 70% of adults having had
 their boosters, and almost 70% of teenagers already having had 1 dose. There
 are  still  clinics  running  across  Dorset  and  Poole,  with  over  30  sites,  including
 around 10 sites offering walk in jabs. You can find out more details on the Dorset
 CCG website.
 Since  2017  many  constituents
    have   contacted   me   with
 concerns  about  cladding  on
 building following  the  tragic  fire
 at  Grenfell  tower.  I’m  very
 pleased  that  the  Government
 has  taken  further  steps  to
 protect  homeowners,  including
 those  in  buildings  between  11
 and  18  metres,  meaning  that
 homeowners  and  leaseholders
 will  no  longer  have  big  bills  to
 pay for remedial work.
 We have had a period of colder
 weather,  and  I  know  this  has  raised  concerns  for  many  over  the  cost  of  fuel.
 Prices  are  rising  due  to  the  global  price  of  gas  rising  significantly,  and  many
 energy companies have gone bust. If you are a customer of one of the failed
 companies, there is advice on my website about what to do next. There are also
 details  of  support  available,  including  winter  fuel  payments,  the  warm  home
 discount  scheme,  cold  weather  payments  and  other  sources  of  help  and
 advice.  You can find this at

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