Page 73 - feb-mag-2022
P. 73

SMALL ADS                                                                                                 February 2022
                                      February 2022
                                                                                                   OTHER CHURCHES NEWS

          Village Hall            LOGS FOR SALE          Sharon Dobson
                                    Ready to Burn           Handmade                       BERE REGIS CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH

         Available for Hire for private   Hard wood, soft wood
         parties or regular meetings.                    Find out how I can help you
       Please note that the main Hall is   plus wood chip, bark chip,   transform the look of your   Sundays 10.30am  Morning Service, Taken by visiting preachers, or our full time
          on an upper level, we do     compost.
         however  have a chair lift.   Call or email for price and   home.                 Youth Worker,   John Williams.
         There is a smaller room also   availability    Bespoke handmade curtains

          available for meetings    Mike and Andrew Menzies   and alterations, Roman       Our services also go out live on you tube
       The Hall hire cost is £8 per hour for              blinds, soft furnishings and
              both rooms            THE ELM BRANCH          upholstery projects            Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting, via zoom.

        For hire and booking enquiries   01929 471263
              please email                                07960 459834                     Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer, meeting in the Manse and also on
      07566322010                                            zoom.
          01929 471528 
                                                                                           Wednesdays at 9.30am Chapel Toddler Group,  contact Suzie on 07962142552
        Toes and Fingers         Purbeck                     Computer                      It’s  February  already,  how  quickly  this  new  year  is  moving  on,  yet  we  are  still
                                                                                           dominated  by  covid  and  all  the  concerns  around  that  subject.    The  restrictions
                                 Plumbing                    Problems?                     that were placed on us, caused many people to find they had spare time on their
         Toe and finger nail                                                               hands, and in order to fill that time old dvds were turned out and watched again.
        cutting service in your                           Email & internet support         You  may  have  a  copy  of  the  film  ‘Ben  Hur’,  an  absorbing    story  famed  for  its
             own home            Boiler services,         Wireless networking setup        exciting chariot race.  I came across the following article about the author of the
                                                           PC and Laptop repairs
                                      repairs and
         Toe nail cutting £15    installation.  Drains and   Virus and malware removal     story  of  Ben  Hur,  which  is  set  during  the
        Finger nail cutting £12   waste pipes unblocked.     No call-out charge            time that Jesus lived on this earth.
                                                         Over 20 years’ experience         Lew  Wallace  became  convinced  that
        Both treatments £18        Call Steve Iles on         Call Alan on :
                                                                                           Jesus  was  God’s  Son  after  studying  the
             Call Kay on            01929 550858            01929 480529                   Bible  in  preparation  for  writing  Ben  Hur,  a
          01202 280492 or           07831 312740            07710 835905                   work that was initially to present Christ as a
                                                                                           mere man.
           07968 290333
                                                                                           It is not strange that he regarded ‘Ben Hur’
                                                                                           as  his  best  work.    He  became  a  Christian
                                                                                           through  the  study  of  the  life  of  Christ,  in
                A ‘Small Ad’ like these above is only £70 a                                preparing  to  write  the  story.    It  has  been
                                                                                           related  that  an  atheistic  friend  once
                 year and is a great way for advertisers to                                predicted  to  him  that  within  a  few  years
                                                                                           church buildings would only be a memory
                 ensure that their contact information is                                  buried in the general crash of religion.
                 always to hand for potential customers.                                   He  was  too  ignorant  to  answer  this
                                                                                           assertion with Christian arguments.  He had
                    The most cost effective form of local                                  no convictions in regard to God and Christ.
                                                                                           In his fascinating account of how he came
                                    advertising.                                           to write ‘Ben Hur’, Lew Wallace tells us he
                                                                                           was painfully ignorant of the theme of that
                                                                                           discussion  with  his  friend  about  God,  life

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