Page 38 - feb-mag-2022
P. 38

February 2022                        February 2022

 the  demands  of  dog  owning   It was now time to prepare for my swim so I retreated to the open air changing
       enclosure to get into my swim gear. There were a number of guys using this area
 even  if  I  did  moan  about  dog
 hair,  vets  bills  and  demands  of   for sunbathing. Across the way was a fenced area set aside for nude sunbathing.
 daily dog walks.     I  emerged  from  the  changing

 If you are a regular reader of the   area  for  my  first  view  of  the
 Parish Magazine you will know all   pond  and  it  was  as  I  had
 about  her  life  with  me  under   remembered  it,  a  delightful
 Covid.    I  would  chat  to  her  and   tranquil  spot  flanked  by  trees
 she  was  well  aware  of  all  the   and grassy banks. At the end of
 village  issues  and  national  issues   the  concrete  pontoon  which
 as  she  watched  the  television   jutted out into the pond was a 1
 with me.  I watched Gone Fishing   metre  spring  board  which  I
 with her at Christmas.  She was a   decided  to  use  as  my  launch
 great fan of Ted, the black Border   pad  for  my  swim.  Back  in  the
 terrier.    She  mentioned  Downing   1930s, the Highgate Diving Club
 Street  Parties  in  her  last  column   used to perform dives from a 10
 and I think even she would have   metre  diving  board  and  its
 been  surprised  at  how  many   Aquatic   Carnivals   attracted
 there were.     crowds of 10,000. Sadly, I am no
       Tom  Daley  so I  will not  report on  the  aesthetic  quality  of  my  dive  but  the sheer
 Tillie, the Alsatian misses her and still barks loudly as she approaches no 97 North   glorious joy of leaping into the murky water, it was fantastic!  You can see why so
 Street only to be disappointed to not receive a response.   At least people can   many Londoners flock here, particularly during the summer months to get away
 walk up the Street quietly now and not be watched.   from the bustle of the city.
 I miss her dreadfully, on the morning walks, going to the shop, up to the Doctors to   The  temperature  of  the  water  was  75F  (24C),
 get drugs, meetings for Coffee, visiting friends, chatting to people on walks and to      positively balmy after the month long July heat
 Judy when she collects her but especially first thing in the morning and last thing   wave.  I  decided  to  circumnavigate  the  pond
 at night when she simply is just not there and I am alone.   keeping  just  inside  the  perimeter  buoys  (the
                                    usual  rubber  one  that  is!)  and  was  met  by  a
 I  know  it  was  time  for  her  and  she  is  now  resting  peacefully  at  the  top  of  my   number  of  other  swimmers  who  were  criss-
 garden a few metres from her first home with Elaine.  She must have one of the   crossing  in  different  directions.  It  was  such  a
 best  views  of  the  Purbeck  Hills.    She  is  survived  by  two  of  her  sisters  Jo  Jo  and   gentle  peaceful  scene  with  the  lifeguards
 Breeze who are still living locally.
                                    looking on.
                                    In  2004  the  City  of  London  Corporation,  which
                                    manages the Heath, tried to close the ponds on
 Editor’s note:  I would like to say a special thanks to Sue Stone for her ‘dog blog’   the  grounds  that  they  were  an  unsustainable
 contributions over the past two years.  I have personally found these a delight to   expense  and  posed  a  health  risk  to  swimmers.
 read and am very sad that as Jenny is no longer with us, we shall have no further   Thankfully,  the  swimmers  challenged  this  and
 tales and observations about her owner’s idiosyncrasies!   won  in  the  High  Court.  To  defray  costs,  the
                                    Corporation  introduced  ticket  meters  charging
                                    £2  per  session,  £1 concession  which I  believe is
                                    now paid on a voluntary basis.. There was some
       opposition  even  to  this  and  some  machines  were  vandalised  at  the  time.
       However, to me this seemed a small price to pay for what is a wonderful facility.

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