Page 43 - feb-mag-2022
P. 43

February 2022                                                                       February 2022

        JENNY STONE                                                                             RECIPE OF THE MONTH

                                                                                                    Thanks to our WI members for sharing their favourites
        Jenny  was  born  on  22   February
        2009.    She  was  a  daughter  of
        Shadow  one  of  Elaine  Standfield’s                                                  Red Velvet Brownies
        collies.  It was an unusual litter in that
        five of the six puppies had inherited                                                    This makes a very indulgent pudding for Valentine's Day specially as I
        their distinctive blue merle colouring                                                 suggest you cut them into a heart shape.
        from their father.  Jenny was born in
        Jan Nurrish’s van between here and
        Salisbury  Market  as  her  Mother                                                     Ingredients
        started  whelping  when  the  sheep                                                         100g dark chocolate
        were loaded to go to market.
                                                                                                    90g milk chocolate
        At  about  eight  weeks  old  Jenny  arrived  at  her  new  home  at  No  2  the  Manor      185g butter
        House in Southbrook with her new owner Megan Stone.   After a family debate,                275g soft light brown
        when  she  could  have  been  called  Sky,  Jenny  became  her  settled  name.    She        sugar
        had a pink nose and was a very pale blotchy colour.  Her coat went darker as she
        grew older.                                                                                 3 eggs
                                                                                                    2 tsp red food colouring
        As a puppy she was lively, often getting into trouble but developed joint problems
        and was often lame as a young dog.   The long term prognosis was not good and               85g plain flour
        her lameness cleared up but her owners were advised that  she would develop                 40g cocoa powder
        more joint problems in later life and would not make it much beyond the age of
                                                 She  had  a  great  life  with  a  large      1.    Heat the oven to 180c / fan160c / gas 4 and line a tray
                                                 family,  loads of walks, sticks,  Balls,      2.    Break up the chocolate and put in a small pan with the butter and
                                                 smells,  games,  toys,    Walking  in         sugar and heat gently until melted, stirring occasionally.
                                                 Mays Wood and down by the river
                                                 walk.  She went swimming in Bere              3.    Once melted, remove it to a mixing bowl and allow to cool slightly.
                                                                                               4.    Stir the eggs in one at a time to the melted mixture and then add the
                                                                                               red food colour and the mixture should be a deep, rich colour.
                                                                                               5.    Fold in the sieved flour and cocoa powder and when combined pour
                                                                                               into your lined tray.
                                                                                               6.    Bake on the middle shelf for 25mins then cool in the tray for 10 mins
                                                                                               before cooling on a wire rack.
                                                                                               7.    Once the brownies have cooled use a cutter for your heart shape,
                                                                                               place a strawberry on top, drizzle with little extra melted chocolate and serve
                                                                                               with cream.
                                                                                               8.    Why not dip a whole strawberry in melted chocolate and allow to set
                                                                                               for some real decadence.

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