Page 36 - feb-mag-2022
P. 36

February 2022                        February 2022
       authorities, then the pool of Trading Standards approved traders is much greater
       than just those who are Dorset Council approved.
       Other  trader  approval  schemes  are  available  but  remember,  only  ‘Buy  with
       Confidence’  has  this  level  of  Trading  Standards  approval  and  access  to  a
       nationwide  database  of  complaints  made  by  consumers  so  we  can  truly  vet
       To  find  a  Trading  Standards  approved  ‘Buy  with  Confidence’  trader.  Visit  the
       national  ‘Buy  with  Confidence’  website  at
       where you can search for local traders around your postcode.  Alternatively call
       the Citizens Advice consumer helpline who can search for you on 0808 2281133.


       Hampstead Heath

       Terry  Turner  stood  on  the  veranda  of
       the  lifeguard  lookout  station  and
       g r e e t e d   m e   w i t h   a   w a r m
       smile.”Rosemary  George  sends  her
       regards  from  the  Serpentine”  I  said
       before  explaining  that  I  had  been  to
       the Men’s Bathing Pond before on my
       round Britain odyssey to swim a mile in
       every UK lido.
       Terry  had  been  managing  the
       Highgate  Men’s  Bathing  Pool  for  thirty
       years  and  apparently  remembered  my  visit  well.  “Come  on  in.  This  lot  will  look
       after you” he said pointing to the three lifeguards on duty “and you must meet
       Chris. He looks after the Highgate Lifebuoys”.
                                           I had to explain that I had left Diana at
                                           the  entrance.  “Bring  her  in”  said  Terry
                                           before  he  left  for  his  other  duty  of
                                           looking  after  the  Mixed  Bathing  Pond
                                           situated  on  the  south  west  corner  of
                                           Hampstead  Heath.  She  could  sit  in  the
                                           area  reserved  for  the”  lifebuoys”  out  of
                                           sight  of  the  other  all  male  pond
                                           customers. I must at once confess to the
                                           fact  that  I  have  never  been  fond  of
                                           organisations  which  excluded  anyone

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