Page 63 - feb2024
P. 63

February 2024                        February 2024
                                               Left  –  Black  and  white  image  of
                                               hawks weathering, Blaine  (right)  and
 If  you  are  a  regular  reader  of  my  column  you  will   Best,  his  falconer.  From  Country  Life
 know  that  I  very  much  enjoy  visiting  schools,  or   Illustrated  (April  21st,  1900).  More
 speaking  to  pupils  when  they  visit  Parliament   recent  colour  photo  shows  very  little
 (perhaps  it’s  in  my  genes  as  my  family  are  all   has  changed.  Incredible  what
 teachers!). There are grants available for transport for   information  one  can  discover  from
 schools to visit Parliament – please get in touch with   an old black and white image.
 my office if you want more information. I have always
 been passionate about education, and making sure   After  months  of  researching,  I  finally
 that  children in  Mid  Dorset  and  North  Poole  get  the   found  this  location  where  Blaine
 very  best  start  in  life.  Since  being  elected,  I  have   weathered  his  hawks  (1899).  The
 visited over 30 nurseries, schools and colleges across   hawk lawn is the back garden of ‘The
 Dorset and Poole.                             Cedars’, hence a cedar tree can be
                                               seen  behind  Best  in  the  black  and
 We are  expanding  free  government-funded  childcare, so  that  eligible  working   white  image.  I  took  a  slightly  wider
 parents  will  be  entitled  to  30  hours  of  free  childcare  for  children  from  age  9   angle as more foliage present today.
 months. There’s a gradual rollout starting from April, for children over 2. Nurseries,   Ironically,  a  wild  sparrowhawk  had
 like Bizzybeez in Lytchett Minster that I visited in the autumn, will be able to offer   plumed a kill marking the spot where
 government-funded quality childcare, making it more affordable for people with   the hawks once weathered!
 young children to return to work.
                                               The reason why Blaine weathered his
    At the other end of the scale              hawks  at  ‘The  Cedars’,  is  due  to
 are  our  senior  schools  and
                                               allotments  being  present  in  the
 colleges.  A  senior  school  visit           grounds  of  ‘The  Cottage’,  around
 Q&A  is  very  different  from  a   that time. ‘The Cedars’ also had extensive outbuildings – accommodation, stables
 nursery  visit  for  an  MP,  and   and was probably where he had his mews.
 students  often  ask  the  most
 challenging  questions!  I  think   Blaine rented ‘The Cottage’ (photo below) in 1899, this was the pet name that the
 it  is  important   that  our   Guest family gave to the house they built in c.1873 and was called ‘The Retreat'.
 children   understand   the   That  building  is  now  ‘The
 political  process,  and  I’m   Vicarage'.  It  is  mentioned  as
 always  keen  to  encourage   ‘The   Cottage’   or   ‘Bere
 them to get involved. As part   Cottage’  in  Lady  Layard's
 of   that,   I   host   work   Journal  between  1875  and
 experience  students  every   1898  when  she  visited  the
 year – to give young people a taste of what it is like to work in politics – either as   family. Montague Guest (1839-
 an MP, councillor, or in an MP’s office. Sometimes this is in the summer, but this   1909) built the house.
 coming year I will also be running a work experience program for anyone in year   As   a   falconer   who   is
 12 or above during the Easter holidays. I ask the students to write a diary of their   passionate   about   falconry
 time in my office – you can read these on my website. There are also details of
 how  to  apply  for  the  Easter  week  –  please  do  encourage  any  young  people   history, I thought this snippet of
 who  might  be  interested  to  apply.  information  would  make  an
 experience    interesting  record  for  Bere
       Regis.   I   hope   it   goes
 As well as our maintained schools, I also visit our independent schools, and have   s o m e w h e r e    t o w a r d s
 recently  heard  about  some  of  the  excellent  work  of  Canford  School  in  its

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