Page 66 - feb2024
P. 66

February 2024                                                                       February 2024

        Sheep Worrying
        The  Parish  Council  has  been
        made  aware  that  there  has
        been  an  incident  involving  a
        dog  off  its  lead  accessing  a
        f i e l d    o f    s h e e p    i n
        Turnerspuddle off Gulley Lane.
        The National Union of Farmers
        describe the problem and the
        consequences     of   dogs
        chasing   sheep   on   the
        following  link
        out-of-control-pets-placing-sheep-at-risk-of-horrific-and-fatal-injuries/    Points  of
        particular importance in the article include:
        “Many dog owners are unaware that even if their pet doesn’t make contact with
        a  sheep,  the  distress  and  exhaustion  caused  by  being  chased  can  trigger  a
        pregnant ewe to die or miscarry.”
        Specific advice for dog owners includes:
        “Keep dogs on a lead when walking in rural areas where livestock are kept, but
        let go of the lead if chased by cattle.
        Be aware that even small dogs can cause the distress, injury and death of farm
        It  is  understood  that  signs  alerting  walkers  to  the  fact  that  sheep  are  in  a  field
        have been put up, but as sheep are often moved around, walkers must remain
        vigilant and consider their responsibility to ensure their dogs do not cause distress
        or harm to sheep and other livestock.
        The  timetable  for  awarding  S133/137  grants  for  the  2023/24  financial  year  was
        agreed.    The  grant  policy  and  process  (including  an  application  form)  can  be
        found   on   the   Parish   Council   Section   of   the   Community   Website

        Budget Planning & Precept for 2024/25
        At  the  January  2024  Parish  Council  meeting  the  budget  for  2024/25  was
        approved  which  included  setting  the  precept.  An  increase  of  10%  has  been
        submitted  which  equates  to  an  annual  increase  of  £4.19  on  a  typical  band  D
        council tax.

        Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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