Page 62 - feb2024
P. 62

February 2024                                                                       February 2024

                               research further the falconry history within this glorious   sponsorship of a local academy, and its work with local community organisations
                               county.  Roger  Upton’s  book,  A  Bird  In  The  Hand      and charities. We are incredibly lucky in Dorset and Poole to have such a wide
                               (1980) has  without doubt  inspired  a new  generation      range of excellent schools for parents to choose from.  99% of children in State
                               of  falconry  historians  (including  myself).  Blaine  and   schools in Mid Dorset and North Poole are in schools which are classed by Ofsted
                               Radclyffe are well documented within his book.              as Good or Outstanding. I will continue to support our school and teachers across
                                                                                           the constituency – and I thank them for their hard work for our children.
                               On first visiting Bere Regis, I went to St John the Baptist
                               Church.  Inside  is  a  wall  mounted  monument  to  the    I continue to hold regular surgeries in the constituency so please do get in touch if
                               Radclyffe  family.  Charles  Radclyffe  was  a  great       there is something you need help with, or if you’d like me to visit your organisation
                               sportsman  and  falconry  was  a  big  part  of  his  life.   or  business.  Email  me  on  or  contact  my
                               When  walking  around  these  areas  one  gets  an          office  on  01202  624216.  You  can  also  follow  what  I’ve  been  doing  on  Twitter
                               immense  sense  of  nostalgia…and  in  parts,  like         @Michael4mdnp     or   Facebook
                               stepping back in time!                                      m i c h a e l 4 M D N P    o r    o n    m y    w e b s i t e

                                                                                            Michael Tomlinson MP
              Blaine (left) and his professional
             falconer Richard Best, both with
       Right  and  below  –  two  black  and                                                  Michael Tomlinson MP          LOCAL MEMBER OF
       white  images  from  Country  Life                                                     holds regular surgeries             PARLIAMENT
       Illustrated (April 21st, 1900).                                                        in the constituency.  For
                                                                                               details of forthcoming
                                                                                              surgeries or to make an   
                                                                                               appointment, please
                                                    Blaine riding out with his sister            contact his office.      01202 624216
                                                    to the meet. I was astonished
                                                    to  find  the  location  –  the                                     
                                                    angle  of  my  recent  colour
                                                    photo gives a slightly different
                                                    perspective,  due  to  road  /
                                                    pathway    developments.
                                                                                                                   Did you Know?

       However,  amazing  to  think                                                           Would you like to have the parish magazine delivered to your door each month
       after  all  these  years  it’s  still                                                                      if you live within the parishes?
       recognisable  –  minus  a  few
       chimneys,   a   door   now                                                               We have a fantastic team of volunteer distributors who undertake the
       placed  in  ‘The  Royal  Oak’,                                                         delivery of this magazine, and for just £10 a year (which is £2 less than you
       where  there  was  once  a
       window,   and   even   the                                                             would pay at the retail price and no charge for delivery),  you could be included
       thatched  cottage  (out  of                                                                                   on one of these rounds.
       view in my photo) to the right
       -hand side still remains.                                                             Contact the Editor, for more information:  Alison Debenham
                                                                                                                      or  01929 471780

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