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February 2024                                                                       February 2024

       world wide problem.  We the older generations must realise that if climate is not   Distgen Grants
       such a fear for us in our life time, then we must  think of future generations. Not
       only  will  temperatures  rise but  potential  farm  land  will  be  in  danger  of  flooding   Distgen are the company who own and operate the wind turbine at Rogers Hill
       because of the water resulting from polar ice thawing and the snow and ice on       Farm. Currently they make a quarterly payment to the Parish Council from a share
       higher mountainous region causing more landscape problems. This will also cause     of  the  profits  generated  by  the  wind  turbine,  which  is  specified  for  community
       flooding but also the erosion of fertile land bordering larger rivers. We of course   uses. In the past we’ve used this money towards schemes such as assisting with
       would be in danger of losing the major arable area of this country, namely The      the purchase of the Communibus, supporting the Lunch Club and NeighbourCar
       Fens. The output from this area of land produces more of our arable crops than      schemes, helping with the Elder Road path upgrade, as well as supporting local
       any other part of the U.K. on a per acre basis and totally.                         organisations.  In  the  last  quarter  the  payment  we  received  from  Distgen  was
                                                                                           £2,843.88.  If  you  wish  to  apply  for  a  grant  for  your  community  scheme  or
       I was privileged in my earlier career in agriculture to work in Suffolk on the borders   organisation, please contact the Clerk on
       of  the  Fens  and  got  to  realise  what  a  wonderful  place  this  was  and  how  the
       farmers there were even worried then, some sixty years ago, about sea level rise
       and erosion of their land. This would not only be a problem for them but for the    May’s Wood
       country as a whole. We already import huge quantities of our foodstuffs and with
       our population continually rising naturally and more so from the rising numbers of   Following the closure of part of the land at May’s Wood and the ensuing number
       immigrants we will need to import even more. Where will it come from?               of complaints we have received contact has been made with the Save Me Trust.
                                                                                           The  Parish  Council  will  continue  to  pursue  the  matter  in  the  hope  of  a  more
       Having  mention  the  ninety  plus  year  old  author,  I  am  now  going  to  mention   satisfactory resolution.
       another elderly gentleman but I knew this man very well as I worked with him on
       the  estate  farm,  where  I  did  my  pre  college
       training.  Old  Bob  who  I  have  mentioned  on                                    Parish Council Elections
       previous  occasions.  He  knew  nothing  about  the                                 Alongside the Dorset Council Elections in May of this year all seats on the Parish
       world  outside  his  village.  If  you  had  mentioned                              Council  will  be  up  for  re-election  and  all  councillors  wishing  to continue in  their
       global  warming  to  him  he  would  have  been                                     role  must  stand  for  re-election.  If  you  would  like  to  apply  to  become  a  Parish
       absolutely  perplexed.  He  was  a  great  manual                                   Councillor  and  stand  for  election  in  May,  please  contact  the  Clerk  on
       worker and with a farming fork of any type, a hoe,                        
       a spade, a rake or any kind of cutting hook, then
       Old  Bob  was  your  man.    When  I  first  worked  with
       him,  he  was  already  in  his  sixties  and  I  in  my  late                      Road and Traffic Consultation
       teens. He had worked all his working life with horses
       and  he  is  the  Gentleman  who  referred  to  the                                 Following the creation  of a  roads  and traffic working group  last year to  try  and
       tractors as “They Thousand Pound Harmchairs”.                                       identify issues around the parish and see what, if any, measures the Parish Council
                                                                                           can  take  to  help  and  rectify  these,  we  are  about  to  publish  a  survey  to  all
       I thought I ought to tell you about Old Bob and his eldest daughter’s wedding.      residents.  The  survey  asks  a  number  of  questions  about  the  local  area,
       Bob was well into his sixties at the time and wanted no dealings with cars or any   accessibility,  facilities  and  what  can  be  done  to  improve  things,  and  can  be
       form  of  transport  other  than  his  bicycle.  He  was  persuaded  to  put  on  his  suit,   completed either online or by hand. Once we have received all responses, we
       which would have been goodness knows how old. Anyway he was dressed some            will  collate  them  and  see
       time before he was due to go to the church to give his Eldest Daughter away in      what  actions  can  be  taken.
       marriage. His wife had arranged all the transport but Bob refused to get into the   Please  look  out  for  the
       car when it came for his daughter and himself, so Bob got out his bike and rode     questionnaire  and  complete
       the half mile to the church and when he arrived he refused to go in church to       it  as  soon  as  possible.  If  you
       give his daughter away. His brother ,who unlike Bob had left home very early in his   prefer   the   hand   written
       life to join the merchant navy,  agreed to take Bob’s place.                        version,  you  can  post  it  back

       After the service the very irate wife of Bob insisted that he was to go to reception,   to the Parish Council using the
       which  was  in  the  newly  weds  house  some  four  and  a  half  miles  away.  They   black  letterbox  outside  the

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