Page 27 - br-feb-2020
P. 27

February 2020                        February 2020


        Group News

        Already a month into 2020 and we again ask for more
        volunteers  to  join  the  team.  There  are  lots  of  things  you  can  do  –  we  have
        weekly commitments like attending a meeting to the one off help like making
        a cake for an event.  Please do see if you have a space in your busy lives to
        volunteer – current roles that we need help with are adults to help at Beavers
        on  a  Wednesday  evening,  a  secretary  for  the  Executive  Committee  –  this  is
        attending a meeting every 6/8 weeks and taking notes, or someone to help
        with our publicity to prepare this report every month?  Please get in touch with
        Neal for a chat about how you can help.  Many thanks.

        Scout News
        Off to a flying start at the Bournemouth International Centre and our yearly visit
        to the Ice Rink, Scouts, some Explorers, leaders and parents took to the ice for
        a  fantastic  hour  of  fun.      Celebrations  for  Chinese  new  year  as  always  a
        favourite and involve cooking and eating – Year of the Rat – it was sweet and
        sour thou so tasted fab!

        Beaver News

        Beavers  has  got  off  to  a  good  start  in  the  new  term  with  new  beavers  and
  BERE REGIS FLORAL GROUP   some  promotions  to  Lodge  Leader  and  Assistant  Lodge  Leader.    Our  peer
        leadership team get their first taste of taking responsibility in their lodges and
        guiding  the  new  beavers  in  what  we  do  -  I  always  aim  to  make  sure  that
        everyone gets the opportunity to take on a responsible position before they go
        up to cubs at about 8 years old.
 The  next  meeting  of  Bere  Regis  Floral  Group  will  be  on
 Tuesday 11  February at 2pm in Winterborne Kingston village   This  term  we  are  learning about  navigation  and  exploring,  and  also  working
 hall.    The  demonstrator  for  the  day  will  be  Elizabeth   towards  the  team  challenge  badge,  which  fits  in  well  with  orienteering
 Witcomb, and her title is Miss Potter and Friends.  Visitors are   activities.  We will also be tackling the global issues activity badge which aims
 very welcome.  If you are a lover of gardens and gardening,   to help beavers understand topics such as fair trade, the importance of fresh
 art and design, or simply an entertaining afternoon out, you   water and recycling.
 will love it!  Do come and join us.  Your first visit is free of charge.
        Fund Raising
        The Borneo Expedition is next year so fund raising will be stepped up with lots
        more Breakfasts, bingo nights, quizzes and sales at the hut.  Please do come
        along  and  support  our  young  people  who  are  working  hard  to  be  able  to

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