Page 23 - br-feb-2020
P. 23

February 2020                        February 2020

 THE BERE REGIS FOLK GROUP   Planning  Inspectors  and  both  were  found  sound,  subject  to  a  number  of
       modifications  being  made.  The  adopted  Mineral  Sites  Plan  and  Waste  Plan
       incorporate  the  Inspectors'  recommended  modifications.  The  Schedules  of
       Modifications   along   with   the   Inspectors'   reports      can   be   seen
 Bere Regis Folk evening is held every month in the Stable   at:    or  at:
 Bar at the Drax Arms, West Street.  It not a club and does   mineral-sites-plan
 not  have  any  members,  anyone  can  come  at  any  time
 and  enjoy  live  music  of  many  types  not  just  folk   We  are  now  in  a  six-week  challenge  period,  which  began  at  the  time  of
 music.  Usually there is no fee as most artists are local and   adoption, during which anyone who considers they have been aggrieved by the
 play for free we are non profit making and run a raffle to   adoption of the Plan may seek to mount a legal challenge, on specific grounds,
 cover  any  costs  that  occur.    The  Stable  Bar  is  removed   in the High Court. This will finish mid-February.
 from the main bars and is a quiet environment to enjoy the
 music in.   The Mineral Sites Plan (along with the Minerals Strategy 2014) and the Waste Plan
       now  form  part  of  the  statutory  Development  Plan  for  Dorset  Council  and  BCP
 The  folk  night  had  a  splendid  Christmas  concert  with  mince  pies,  crackers  and   Council.    The  Dorset  Minerals  Plan  1999  and  the  Waste  Plan  2006  are  now
 some very seasonal music.  The evening started with Robin Greenwood playing   replaced.  The  Plans  identify  sites  for  new  quarries  and  waste  management
 some rag time instrumentals on guitar followed by Bluegrass songs accompanied   facilities to meet the needs of both authorities up to 2033 and, together with the
 by Charlie (Mr Banjo) and the ubiquitous bass player Pip. The set finished with a   Minerals Strategy, which will provide the policy basis for dealing with minerals and
 bluegrass banjo instrumental 'Dear Old Dixie' played at breakneck speed.   waste applications.
 The main course was served up by Frome Valley Mummers, who performed their   Copies  of  the  Mineral  Sites  Plan  and  the  Waste  Plan,  along  with  the  relevant
 Dorset  Mummers  play  featuring  St  George,  Saladin,  a  doctor  and  several  other   Adoption Statements and the Sustainability Appraisal reports, can be seen on the
 characters.  After much fighting, booing and cheering there was a happy ending   Dorset   Council   website   at:
 when a strange green figure appeared and mended the injured.  This part of the   plan   or
 evening was recorded by for radio Abbey 104 and was broadcast on Christmas
 Day.   For any further information please contact the Dorset Council Minerals and Waste
       Policy Team:
 The final dish was a sweet offering of Christmas carols,Christmas number 1's and
 other pop tunes played by Doc Clark's Remedy from Weymouth.  They definately   by email at:
 had a cure for a cold evening as they warmed the audience up by playing their   or by telephone at:    01305  224675
 version of the Poges 'The Fairy Tale of New York'.
       Website:  or
 It  was  a  very  successful  evening.    We  were  able  to  give  donations  to  The   mineral-sites-plan
 Mummers  and  Doc  Clarke's  Remedy  chosen  charity  'Weymouth  Old  Town  Hall'
 which is a Tudor building now used for exhibitions and performances.
 On Tuesday 18th February we have another three acts:
       We  frequently  and  happily  hold  meetings  with  our  constituents  at  a  time  and
    Harry Skinner who is a fabulous blues guitarist and singer.
       place that is mutually convenient to one or other of us. We will respond to any
    Nigel Canter on fiddle   email or telephone request to meet which we will hold either at a local village
       hall, hostelry or at your home to suit you. Please ring or email us with the subject
    Busker's Cat from North Dorset.  Busker's Cat perform self penned songs in a   matter  so  that  we  can  prepare  ourselves.  Peter’s  email  address  is
 country and western style.   telephone   07986600799   and   Laura’s   is
 The night begins at 8pm.  Entrance is free.  telephone 07814 569563.
 The Stable Bar is better known as the Skittle  Alley in the Drax  Arms,  West Street,   Peter Wharf & Laura Miller, Dorset Councillors for West Purbeck
 Bere Regis.

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