Page 25 - br-feb-2020
P. 25

February 2020                        February 2020

       statistics  about  his  work  in  the
       quarter to the end of December
       last year:

            Cemetery   maintenance
             117 hours 30%
            Streamside,  verges  and
             gullies   cleaning   and
 This is very rich, very tasty and the ultimate comfort pud.   cutting 143 hours 38%
            Play area maintenance 46
 Recipe      hours 12%
    50g Butter
            Picking  up  litter  and  dog
    Sliced Panettone or   faeces 57 hours 15%
 Brioche with
 chocolate chips   One litter picking sweep along the streamside, through Souls Moor and on Snow
       hill collected more than 150 bottles. The entirely avoidable cost of litter and poo
    A little apricot jam for   picking amounts to a cost of nearly £1000 in that quarter alone. We would ask
 spreading   residents to take more care over our environment so the lengthsman’s time and
    250ml milk   our money can be applied to more beneficial work.
    250ml double cream
    2 eggs   Dark Lane
    1 egg yolk
       The evidence documents to establish the footpath from Dark Lane, Shitterton to
    50g brown sugar, plus a little extra to sprinkle for crust.
       the  top  of  Black  Hill  have  been  re-submitted  to  Dorset  Council  rights  of  way
 1.  Heat oven Gas4/180c/ 350f   Community Event
 2.  Butter pudding dish   In  June  last  year  the  Council  organised  the  Mid-Summer  Bere  Fest,  a  very
       successful community event on the Recreation Ground which raised substantial
 3.  Spread sliced panettone/brioche with apricot jam and
       sums for our local clubs and organisations. If there is anyone who would like to
 arrange in overlapping layers.
       take  on  the  leadership  of  a  similar  event  for  this  year  or  for  2021,  the  Council
 4.  Put milk and cream into a saucepan and heat gently.   would happily provide admin support and guidance to an organising committee.
       Please get in touch with me or our clerk if you are willing to get involved.
 5.  In a bowl whisk eggs, yolk and sugar until fluffy.

 6.  Slowly add the hot milk and cream.
       Climate Change
 7.  Pour over the bread and sprinkle with a little extra sugar.
       Whilst we recognise our contribution as a Council and as a community is likely to
 Bake for 25mins or until custard is set and enjoy.
       be modest, we are anxious to play a sensible role in trying to reduce our impact
       on climate change. We have set up a working group firstly to take a look at what
 I make this up earlier and cook while eating the main course or   the  Council  itself  might  do,  and  then  in  due  course  to  identify  what  sensible
 simply enjoy on its own.   measures  we  might  promote  across  the  parish.  I  am  sure  we  will  be  asking  for

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