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February 2020                                                                       February 2020

       Our Next Conservation Working Parties – Come and Join Us                                                                       GARDENING CLUB
       Spring is almost upon us, so spring into action and come and join us on one of our
       conservation working parties.
                                                                                                                             Twenty four members extended the festive
       The next working parties will be held on:                                                                             season into the new year with our new year
                                                                                                                             meal  at  the  Kings  Arms  Stoborough.    The
       Saturday 1st February, Saturday 7th March and Saturday 4  April 2020.
                                                                                            meal  was  very  much  enjoyed  and  enabled    members  not  only  to  enjoy  an
       We  have  a  range  of  jobs  to  do  alongside  the  stream,  including  some  more   excellent meal but to sit and talk and catch up.
       riverside  coppicing,  fencing  part  of  the  Souls  Moor  pond  and  clearing                                                      th
       undergrowth to allow wild flowers to flourish. Your help will conserve the best of   Our year starts with our February meeting on Tuesday 4  February in the Drax Hall
                                                                                            at  7.30.    this  looks  like  an  interesting  talk  by  Alice  May.    “The  house  that  sat
       what is already there and make the stream  and its environs even more wildlife
       friendly.                                                                            down!!!?”
                                                                                            It  is  about  her  coming  home  and  literally  watching  her  house  fall  down.    A
       We meet by the stream bridge bear to the Scout Hut, Elder Road at 10am or you
       can  find  us  along  the  river.  We  normally  finish  about  12.00.  All  are  welcome  –   nightmare not something one wants to think about.  The talk is about how she
       young (under 16s should be accompanied by an adult) or old, active or less so –      and her family dealt with this problem and she and her family subsequently living
       there are tasks for all. If you have some loppers or hand saws please bring them     in the garden.
       with you – if you don’t, no problem we’ll have some spares along with other tools.   I hope to see all our regulars there and we get back to educational gardening
                                                                                            talks in March when we tackle ideas for the eradication of weeds.

       Contact Us

       If  you  would  like  to  know  more  about  the  work  of  the  Wildlife  Group  or  to  be
       included on our mailing list, please contact:
       Tony Bates at /  01929 471563 or                               90TH BIRTHDAY THANKS

       Amy Yates at
                                                                                            Thank you to  all the friends and family who sent
       Mike Gee at / 0775 988 4942.                                    cards,  face  book  messages  and  to  those  who
                                                                                            came to my party.
                                                                                            Also to the good friends and family who helped
                                                                                            my  daughters  with  all  the  preparations  for  the
                                                                                            party.  It  was  a  wonderful  surprise  to  walk in  and
                                                                                            see so many people, some of whom I hadn't seen
                                                                                            for a while.

                                                                                            Your  very  kind  donations  raised  £200  which  I  will
                                                                                            send to the British Red Cross.
                                                                                            My sincere thanks to you all,

                                                                                                                                                    Eileen Maidment.

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