Page 18 - br-feb-2020
P. 18

February 2020                                                                       February 2020

                                 OBITUARIES                                                 BRIANTSPUDDLE AND AFFPUDDLE
                 Cantata Club, carols at Bloxworth and, of course, was a member of
                 Bere Regis Church choir for over 40 years. Choir members chose the
         music for his funeral, especially for him.
         I  have  been  overwhelmed  by  the  love  and  concern                           VILLAGE HALL NEWS
         from friends and family since Roy’s death.  Thank you,
         everyone.   I  should  give  him  one  of  his  cheeky  smirks                    As  I’m  writing  this  we  are  just  putting  the  finishing
         and a wink – ‘there you are Bozo, everyone loves ya’!
                                                                                           touches to our Burns night celebrations on the 25
                                           Mona Comben                                     of  January  and  as  predicted  tickets  are  all  but
                                                                                           gone.  I’m  sure  the  evening  will  be  an  enjoyable
                                                                                           memory by the time you get to read this for all of you who managed to secure
                                                                                           tickets and apologies to all those who missed out but we had to limit numbers to
                                                                                           80 purely due to space.
                                                                                           As we leap headlong into 2020 I must and indeed would like to express my thanks
                                                                                           and appreciation again to everyone of you who got involved and helped make
                                                                                           December such a busy and enjoyable time. It doesn’t seem possible that such a
                                                                                           small community as ours could have organised and attended so many things in
                                                                                           such a short space of time. From the Christmas fayre to the New Year’s Eve party
                                                                                           with  everything  that  happened  in  between  it  has  been  without  exception  a
                                                                                           roaring success. Grateful thanks for the seemingly tireless willingness and energy
                                                                                           to get involved in putting these events on and also a huge thank you to everyone
                                                                                           who got involved and supported us by coming along and joining in, thank you in
                                                                                           advance for all you’ll do again this year.

                                                                                           For me personally the activities over Christmas were about opportunities to come
                                                                                           together  and  enjoy  each  other’s  company  first  and  foremost  after  a  year  of
                                                                                           energetic fund raising events ,equally well supported throughout the year, but I’m
                                                                                           pleased to say that everyone turned out in such good numbers that December
                                                                                           was also an excellent time of fundraising for the hall ensuring its ongoing security
                                                                                           and ability to continue being a hub of village and parish activity.
                                                                                           We  have  lots  of  exciting  ideas  for events  in  the coming  year  but  are  also  very
                                                                                           keen to hear from groups and individuals with new ideas of other things that can
                                                                                           be held at the hall so please talk to any of our trustees if you have ideas you’d
                                                                                           like to see tried out. The trustees cannot do everything but we can and will be as
                                                                                           helpful and supportive of any initiatives you may want to try out, and we’d love
                                                                                           to talk through your ideas with you, after all we are only trustees, we look after the
                                                                                           village hall but the hall belongs to you as members of this parish.
                                                                                           Watch this space for more information on upcoming events, there will be further
                                                                                           Artsreach  evenings  taking  place,  the  Purbeck  film  festival,  Mike  Menzies’  talks,
                                                                                           plus  VE  Day  celebrations  and  many  more  opportunities  to  come  together  as
                                                                                           friends and neighbours.

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