Page 15 - br-feb-2020
P. 15

February 2020                        February 2020
          The Wall will be built in a highly visible location at Coleshill  Manor, Birmingham,
       next to the M6/M42 motorway junction, the planned route of the HS2 high speed
       rail line, and below the flight path serving Birmingham Airport.  In excess of 300,000
       people will see it each day, a modern response to the Christian heritage of this
          The  one  million  bricks  will  represent  one  million  prayers,  each  brick  will  tell  a
       unique  story  of  how  Jesus has  intervened  in  someone’s  life  and  answered  their
       prayer. Visitors will be able to read the prayer stories via their smart phones while
       walking round the sculpture.  There will also be historical answered prayers that
       preserve  the  nation’s  rich  Christian  heritage,  recording  answers  uncovered  by
       historians from 600AD to 1950.
          Richard Gamble says he hopes the structure will inspire the nation to pray.  “The
       idea is that people when they come here, will be able to type their circumstance
       or situation and find a story that is similar to what they are going through. They will
       be able to read how another Christian has coped with that situation, how they
       prayed, and how God answered.  We want to preserve the stories of answered
       prayer not only in this generation but through the whole history of this country.”
          This answered prayer on the Wall, no.12566, is a typical example of the prayer
       stories.  “One day I was asked to go to Hull Royal Hospital to pray with someone I
       didn’t know.  I was told he was seriously ill, in intensive care, and medically there
       was little hope.  I found the man in a private room, with tubes, wires and monitors
       indicating the seriousness of his condition. I asked a couple of questions, and not
       wanting to weaken him with conversation, I laid my hand on him and prayed.  I
       felt no special sense of God’s presence, as is sometimes the case when praying
    G P Lewis    for  the  sick.   I  just  laid  my  hand  on  him  and  prayed  briefly,  asking  Jesus  for  his
       recovery.  I later heard that by the very next day the man had quickly rallied and
 Interior/Exterior Painter & Decorator   recovered.    When  he  was  examined  by  the  doctor,  he  had  been  found  well
       enough to be discharged to go home.”
 All aspects of painting and   The people at the Chapel could add many similar stories concerning answered
       prayer.  It is indeed true that Jesus is alive, and still hearing and answering us when
 decorating undertaken including
       we  pray.    You  too  can  pray  to  Him.    Just  talk  to  Him  as  if  you  are  talking  to a
 Domestic, New builds, Refurbs   friend.  Or you can start with the Lord’s Prayer if you know it.
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