Page 14 - br-feb-2020
P. 14

February 2020                                                                       February 2020

       Sundays 10.30am  Morning Service  taken each week by  visiting
       Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting

       Tuesdays at 9.15am (during term time)  Chapel Toddlers Group

       Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer

       On  Tuesdays  from  6pm-7.30pm,  during  term  time,  a  new  Youth  Club  has  just
       started  at  the  Chapel.    It  is  for  young  people  aged  11-17.  It  will  include  many
       different  activities,  something  for  everyone.  It  is  being  run  by  our  Youth  Worker,
        Please  contact  him  for  further  information.  Phone  07853  620648    email
       All young people are very welcome.
                                                                                           BLADEN SOCIAL CLUB

       The Wall of Answered Prayer
                                                                                          Thanks  to  everyone  who  donate  used  newspapers  to  the  social  club  a  steady
          The site for a national artwork celebrating the power of prayer has been chosen,
       and  building  is  due  to  start  this  year  and  be  completed  before  the  2022   income is received from the waste paper processor who collects the paper once
                                                                                          Brian  Johnson  has  sorted  the  magazines  from  the  newsprint  and  bundled  it  for
       Commonwealth games to be held in Birmingham.
                                                                                          collection.  Due to the nature of the paper used in magazines it is not of use to the
          The winning design for “The Wall”, a                                            processor.
       new  50m  high  landmark  of  hope,
                                                                                          The  income  from  the  waste  paper  is  used  to  supplement  donations  to  the
       features  dynamic  geometry  and  a
       stunning  representation  of  a  Mobius                                            charitable  bodies  that  are  supported  by  the  coffee  mornings  held  in  the  social
       strip,  which  seems  to  have  no                                                 club on several Saturday mornings during the year.  Charities supported during the
       beginning and no end.  The design is                                               year were Employ ny Ability based at Morten, Mosaic a local charity for bereaved
       being  turned  into  a  buildable                                                  children,  Weldmar,  The  British  Lung  Foundation,  Affpuddle  Parochial  Church
       proposition.                                                                       Council, Dorset County Hospital A&E and the Dorset Echo Christmas Toy appeal.
                                                                                          A reminder to all subscribing members of the Social club that the Annual General
          The  Wall  is  a  visionary  project  by                                                                                 th
       Richard Gamble, former Leicester City Football Club Chaplain, to build a colossal   Meeting  will  take  place  on  Wednesday  26   February,  commencing  at  8pm
       landmark.                                                                          prompt.
          Richard’s idea is to provoke an ongoing conversation around the purpose and     All members are encouraged to attend as the committee require feedback and
       value  of  prayer.    The  message  that  Jesus  is  alive  and  answers  prayer  will  be   ideas from members regarding social events for the forthcoming year.
       represented by one million bricks, with each and every brick telling a unique story.    Details of future events will be found in this magazine and on notice boards across
       The sheer scale of The Wall in a prominent location will place the landmark and its   the Parish as soon as details are finalised.
       message at the forefront of the nation’s consciousness.  It is designed to stand for
       generations.                                                                                                                                     Peter Talbot

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