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February 2020                                                                       February 2020

       LENT 2020

       In  previous  years  our  diocese  has  provided  us  all  with  a  small  booklet  of  daily
       reflections for Lent written by members of our churches and alongside this we’ve
       chosen Lent Courses for our groups to follow. This year things will be a little different.
       Home Groups and study groups will still happen in Lent but as a benefice we’ll all
       be studying the same course and alongside this there will be a sermon series for
       further  reflections.  At  the  same  time  we’ve  begun  a  new  pattern  of  Benefice
       Prayer twice per month which we encourage you to come to in Lent, and beyond,
       which we hope and pray may lead us to adopt a simple rule of life as we journey
       forward together.
       First the Lent Course: Bishop Nicholas has provided
       every  parish  in  the  diocese  with  a  copy  of  the
       Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent Book ‘Saying Yes to
       Life’ by Ruth Valerio which he encourages us all to
       study  in  Lent.    We’re  going  to  do  just  that  that  for
       our Lent Course in our benefice. There will be groups
       at  different  times  and  in  various  locations  around
       the  benefice-  look  out  for  details  in  the  coming
       weeks & sign up. If you would like to lead or host a
       group please speak to one of the clergy about this
       asap. Lists to sign up to purchase the books will be in
       churches  from  Sunday  19 Please  sign  up  for  a
       copy  (currently available at £6.80) by 2  February                                                       ADVERTISING RATES
       when an order will be placed centrally.
                                                                                                                     for the year 2020
       The book is described as follows:
                                                                                                             (Cheques to be made payable to Bere Regis PCC)
       ‘Saying  Yes  to  Life  lifts  our  focus  from  natural,
                                                                                                 Rates for charitable, community or non-profit organisations are charged at 50% of above.
       everyday  concerns  to  issues  that  are  having  an
       impact on millions of lives around the world. As people made in the image of God,    Full year advertising is based on complete calendar years.  Adverts inserted for part
       we  are  entrusted  to  look  after  what  he  has  created:  to  share  in  God’s  joy  and
       ingenuity in making a difference for good. Ruth Valerio imaginatively draws on the    years are charged at a pro-rata rate of the full year cost.  Full year advertisers are
       Days  of  Creation  (Genesis  1)  as  she  relates  themes  of  light,  water,  land,  the          automatically included on both village websites.
       seasons,  other  creatures,  humankind,  Sabbath  rest  and  resurrection  hope  to   Full page, full year   £260      Full page, one month       £38
       matters of environmental, ethical and social concern. Foundational to Saying Yes
       to Life is what it means to be human and, in particular, to be a follower of Jesus.   Half page, full year   £160      Half page, one month       £22
       Voices from around the world are heard throughout, and each chapter ends with        Third page, full year   £120      Third page, one month      £16
       discussion questions and a prayer to aid action and contemplation. 'Ruth Valerio’s
       book is perfect for individuals and groups to think, reflect, pray and be challenged   Quarter page, full year   £98   Quarter page, one month    £13
       together.'  JUSTIN  WELBY,  from  the  Foreword  ‘(Quoted  from  Amazon  and  Eden
       Website Introductions to the work).                                                  Small-ads, full year    £70       Small-ads, one month       £11

       Second Benefice Prayer:  The aim of establishing a time of prayer together twice           For all advertising enquiries, contact the Editor, details on inside back cover.

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