Page 5 - br-feb-2020
P. 5

February 2020                        February 2020


    YOUR DIARY    Following on from the last issue, here’s a look at other services offered that don’t
       include communion.
       Family Service/Worship
 Key: FG-Floral Group, AL-Autumn Leaves, TA– Twinning, WI-Women’s
 Institute, PiP-Pop in Place, GC-Gardening Club   This  service is  much  shorter  than  all  the  others  –  35-40  minutes,  the children  are
       involved  as  much  as  possible.    The  language  is  contemporary  (you,  your),  the
       hymns or songs may be more modern.  It is very family friendly with refreshments
    February      afterwards.    At  Bere  Regis it  usually includes  some  of  the children  showing  their
       skills with puppets.  See Junior Church piece elsewhere in the magazine.
 11th  Communibus Mystery Tour

 11th  FG: Elizabeth Whitcomb, Miss Potter and Friends      Evening Worship
       Again, hymns and readings in contemporary language, usually just under an hour.
 20th  Salt and Pepper Club      There may be a sermon, talk or reflection.

 25th  Communibus  -  Ringwood      Evensong
    March      This  is  the  most  traditional  form  of  evening  service,  using  The  Book  of  Common
       Prayer  (BCP).    It  includes  sung  responses,  Psalms,  The  Magnificat,  The  Nunc
       Dimittis,  readings  and  hymns.    This  is  usually  led  with  a  choir,  it  is  loved  for  the
 10th   FG: Lyn Mackenzie:  title to be advised
       beauty of its language and music.
 12th  Communibus  -  Sherborne
       Taizé Worship
 19th  Salt and Pepper Club
       Taizé is a small village in Burgundy,
       France,  where,  in  1949,  Brother
 24th  Communibus  -  The Donkey Sanctuary, Sidmouth
       Roger  established  a  monastery.   In
       the  1960’s  young  people  used  to
    April      camp  around  the  monastery  and
       join  the  monks  for  prayer.    The
 3rd   PiP  -  Easter Bonnet Workshop at Pop in   10.00-12.00   monks developed a new and very
       simple  style  of  service  which  could
 7th   Communibus  -  Forde Abbey and Gardens      easily be picked up by people of all
       ages  and  languages.    These  easy  chants  combine  repetition  and  meditation
 10th  PiP  -  Easter Bonnet Parade, Easter Egg Raffle, Upper Hall   10.00-12.00   which leads to a more quiet and reflective worship.

       Hope you find something there that interests you, if not what are we missing?

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