Page 60 - mag-feb-2018
P. 60

February 2018                                                                       February 2018
            We  intend  to  hold  some  simple  dance  classes  to  help  make  the       autumn,  the  night  was  dark,  heavy  rain
                                                                                           lashed  all  around  and  a  gale  was
             celebration go with a swing.
                                                                                           howling.    Treacherous  conditions  for
       Please indicate to a committee member if you are able to help in any way, if you    driving,  especially  on  a  very  busy,  very
       want to join a dance class, or if you have anything that might be of interest.                           twisty country road.   As I drove round a
                                                                                           corner I began to hear a cracking sound
                                                                                           and  to  my  horror  I  saw  a  mature  tree
                                                                                           crashing to the ground.  I knew that I did
        BRIANTSPUDDLE COMMUNITY GROUP                                                      not  have  time  to  brake  and  stop,  and  I
                                                                                           could  not  swerve  because  of  the  on-
                                                                                           coming  traffic.  What  should  I  do?    I
       By the time you read this we will have had our Hygiene check. We hope to get a      remember saying “God, help!” and then
       clean  bill  of  health  from  the  local  Environment  Officer  as  all  our  volunteers  are   I  heard  a  loud  bang  and  a  scraping
       trained  and  work  hard  to  keep  our  workplace  clean  and  up  to  the  required   noise  at  the  side  of  the  car  and  to  my
                                                                                           amazement  the  stream  of  on-coming
                                                                                           traffic had disappeared and I was on the
                                                                                           opposite  side  of  the  road,  the  tree  had
       Coffee Shop                                                                         not crushed me and my car survived with
                                                                                           losing  only  a  wing  mirror  and  paint
       There will be no coffee shop on the 3  March as the Bladen Social Club will be      scratches.  To  this  day  I  do  not  have  a
       holding a coffee morning in aid o a local charity.                                  logical  explanation  for  how  the  tree
                                                                                           missed  the  car  and  where  the  on-
                                                                                           coming  traffic  went,  but  the  song  blasting  out  of  my  speakers  was  ‘Angels
                                                                                           Watching Over Me’ by Amy Grant!”
       BRIANTSPUDDLE COMMUNITY TALKS                                                       We  heard  a  lot  about  angels  over  Christmas,  and  perhaps  we  are  tempted  to
                                                                                           think that they belong with characters from fairy tales.  But angels are very real,
                                                                                           the  Bible  says  that  they  are  mighty  ones  who  do  God’s  bidding,  who  obey  His
                                                      There will be no Community           word, servants who do His will.  Psalm 103:20-21  Our trust and faith must be in God,
                                                      Talk during February.                and our prayers are to Him, but it is comforting to know that He can on occasions
                                                      However there will be a talk         use  angels  to  help  us  in  difficult  situations.  We  have  an  amazing  God,  Who
                                                      about Butterfly                      through  Jesus’  death  on  the  cross  has  made  a  way  for  us  to  know  Him,  to  be
                                                      Conservation in March –              forgiven and to receive His life and power within us, so that we can live a new life
                                                      further details in the March         with Jesus as our Saviour and Lord.  Do you have that new life that only Jesus can
                                                      issue of the Parish                  give?  If not, you only have to ask Him!

                                                                    Angie Talbot

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