Page 57 - mag-feb-2018
P. 57

February 2018                        February 2018




       Chrismas Lights Night
       What  a  great  event, I  must  admit  that  when  Phil
       first  suggested  this  as  an  event  that  could  be
       hosted by the Hall I was just a little dubious as to
       how  successful  it  might  be,  how  wrong  can  you
       be?  The  Villages  were  literally  aglow  with  the
       festive spirit in December, and what a change to
       see lights in our streets which are usually dark and tranquil. There are those who
       may consider this event just a little garish, but as someone so rightly pointed out to
       me ‘it’s only for a few weeks in the year, and what harm does it do?’

       So well done all of you who entered into the spirit of the event, there were some
       truly  impressive  displays,  some  truly  original  displays  and  a  few  novelties  that
       brought  a  smile  to  the  faces  of  passers  by.  The  awards  night  was fabulous  with
       mulled  wine  and  mince  pies,  incidental  music  from  Johnathon’s  music  group
       welcoming  all,  live    Xmas  music  provided  by  Phils’  friends  and  fellow  musicians
       from the Drax Arms, singing from the happy audience and an awards ceremony
       to cap it all off. Well done Phil, and many thanks for organising the event.
       I must give a special mention here to Lottie Padwick, who came along and gave
       us a lovely recital on her harp, and performed a piece on the piano which was
       hauntingly  beautiful  to  a  completely  silent  room!!  Thank  you  Lottie,  we  look
       forward to hearing more from you in the future.

       New Years’ Eve
       I could be moved to continue with the superlatives again, but what I will say is that
       a lot of revellers had great fun and enjoyed a very good night.
       Phil and friends (now called Night Train) performed once more to our delight, and
       despite the ‘dreaded lurgie’ got us all into the spirit of the evening. The disco (also
       called  Night  Train)  kept  up  the  good  work,  the  ‘entertainment’  traditionally
       provided by Pete and the Pensionettes was . . . .  . . . mmm entertaining!!? Then
       our  very  own  Campbell  De  Burgh  piped  in  2018  with  style  and  aplomb,  the
       festivities  continued  with  a  break  dancing  demo  from  young  Rob,  then  we
       bopped till we dropped.
       Thinking ahead to the next New Years’ Eve, we are always in search of ‘turns’ to

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