Page 58 - mag-feb-2018
P. 58

February 2018                                                                       February 2018
        provide some entertainment, laughter, amazement etc. Please if you can share
        your  talents  with  us,  get  practicing,  that  gives  you  a  whole  year  to  reach
        On a more prosaic note, it must be said that this event was a good example of
        the co-operation that we try to promote amongst local organisations and people
        in  general.  Phil  had  posters  and  tickets  printed,  Coffee  Shop  sold  them,
        Community Group provided the supper, Hall Trustees allowed a free rental, the
        Social Club provided the bar, and money donated to the band went to charity.

        January  13   there  was  a  splendid  performance  from  the  duo  Kathryn  Roberts
        and Sean Lakeman. A sell out audience was treated to an excellent night from
        this  famous  pair.  I  have  been  instructed  to  tell  you  that  one  member  of  the
        audience had travelled from Australia (admittedly via Scotland) to see this show,
        and was not disappointed.

        Extra Artsreach Performance
        At  the  time  of  writing  I  do  not  have  any  new  info  on  the  ‘Agent  of  Influence’
        production,  but  will  remind  you  that  it  is  on  9   March  and  to  contact  Jenny
        Beedle Tel 01929471002 for tickets and watch out for flyers and posters locally for
        details. (refer to Jan mag for description)

        Village Lunch
        After  2  months  when  there  was  no  separate  Village  Hall  lunch,  the  Soup  and
        Sweet lunch will be resuming on Thursday 8  February with Ham and Lentil soup
        followed  by  Apple  and  raspberry  crumble  with  custard,  cheeseboard  and
        coffee. Sign up in the shop or phone Jenny on 01929471498 to book your place.


        Decembers draw had 3 cash prize winners as well as other prizes too numerous to
        mention here. Cash prizes went to tickets no. 96, 84 and 4.

        Hall Maintenance and Improvement
        The planned re-ridging of the Hall roof is in hand and a grant has been applied
        for.    We  are  in  the  tricky  situation  of  having  nesting  swifts  using  the  hall,  the
        population in and around Briantspuddle has reduced significantly latterly and we

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