Page 28 - mag-feb-2018
P. 28

February 2018                                                                       February 2018

       everyone grew in confidence and some were encouraged to venture away from              Paul Martin      07788 185048

       the  edge  into  the  middle  of  the  rink  where  I  was  informed  it  was  even  more   Electrics   01929 289323
       slippery!    Time Warp was the next challenge and we buried our time capsules in
       the  hut  grounds  after  filling  them  with  mementos  and  personal  facts  like  ages,
       heights, favourite foods, ambitions for the year and a personal challenge – we will
       dig them up in a year and see how everyone has changed and if they managed            Local BH20 electrician,  with over forty years’
       to complete their tasks.   We have made bird feeders by reusing plastic bottles       experience offering:-
       and old pens to create a hanging food supply for our gardens and look forward                                               Small load  -  £75  Large load  -  £160
       to seeing photos of the birds visiting them during the cold winter months.             Consumer Unit (fuse
                                                                                              board) Replacement

                                                                                              Emergency call-out
       Cub News                                                                               Service
                                                                                              Additions and
       Cubs  returned  with  their  endless  energy  and  enthusiasm  setting  themselves
       personal  challenges  to  work  on  over  the  coming  weeks  and  months  which       Alterations to Existing
       included spending less time watching television and playing on electronic games,       Installations
       remembering to bring kit and equipment to cubs, being more helpful around the          Portable Appliance
       home  and  not  fighting  with  siblings…..we  will  be  interested  to  see  how  they  all   Testing
       progress.    Badges  this  term  include  Astronomer  and  we  spent  on  evening  star
       gazing,  it  was  a  cloudy  night  but  that  did  not  spoil  the  planned  activity  as  we   No VAT – Fully Insured
                                                                                             Part P Compliant
       came  back  indoors  and  looked  at  the  constellations  via  PowerPoint  –  isn’t   Free Estimates
       technology brilliant.  For our Personal Safety badge we will look at online safety    All Work Guaranteed
       and learn our own emergency contact numbers off by heart.  Later this month we
       have a visit to the local Methodist Chapel planned.

       Many thanks to all the volunteers who have helped over the past few months but
       we are still looking for new cub leaders on a Thursday night.  If you are interested
       please do come along and speak to one of us.                                                                                       Dorchester
       Beaver News
                                                                                                                                      Picture and framing service
       We  have  made  a  fantastic  start  to  the  term  with  2  new  beavers  joining  our                                          with a wide selection of
       colony!  This term, as well as focussing on our Teamwork Challenge, including lots                                                mounts and frames.
       of team games, we are working on the Global Issues Activity Badge.  So we have
       had  a  go  at  recycling  paper  and  making  new  paper  to  use  for  our  display  of                                       Open most days but best
       endangered animals from around the world.  Each beaver has to keep a diary for                                                  call first before making a
       a week to show how they have tried to save energy and recycle waste, and we                                                            special trip.
       will also be learning about Fairtrade goods and water filtering.
       We  are  also  looking  to  make  a  good  start  on  Communications,  Explore  and
       Navigator  Activity  badges  this  term,  learning  about  compass  points  and  Morse                                            The Old School House
       code amongst other activities!
                                                                                                                                          Tincleton DT2 8QR
       Our first Sleepover of the term is in early February to celebrate Chinese New Year,                                                01305 848909
       and  the  Beavers  will  make  a  stir  fry  tea,  put  up  tents  inside  the  Scout  Hut  and
       enjoy  what  will  be  the  first  night  away  for  many  of  them.    It  makes  an  easy
       introduction  to  their  scouting  career  which,  if  they  continue  right  through  to

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