Page 32 - mag-feb-2018
P. 32

February 2018                                                                       February 2018
       DRAX HALL
                                                                                                                                Organised  by  Alison  Bennett    and
                                                                                                                                Doreen Hall
       There is a Public Access Defibrillator
       outside the Village Hall                                                                                                 P l e a s e          d o    e m a i l    u s
                                                                                                                        with  offers  of
       It is very straightforward to use and you are talked through                                                             help,  or    raffle  prizes  etc  We  will  need
       the process as you go.                                     DRAX                                                          people  to  serve  teas  and  meet  and
                                                                                                                                greet people. Please do get in touch if
       There is  a  short film  clip  on  You  Tube  by  the  British  Heart   HALL
       Foundation    that  shows  exactly  how  to  do  it  DON’T  BE                                                           you can help.
       AFRAID anyone can do it, and remember  the worst thing
       you can do when someone’s heart stops is nothing !

       Village Hall Hiring

       The village hall has two options for hire the large upper Hall at £8 per hour and the
       Lower room at £7 per hour please telephone Lyn Simmonds on 01929 471528 to
       discuss your requirements and view the facilities available.

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