Page 60 - BR December 2023
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December 2023                                                                       December 2023
        BERE REGIS WI                                                                       NEWS FROM WESTMINSTER

       In spite of protests of “I can’t sing” and “I don’t sing”                            One  of  the  challenges  of  writing  this  column  each
       Caroline  Pugh  arrived  at  November’s  meeting  of                                 month,  is  that  (rightly)  the  deadline  is  several  weeks
       the  WI,  equipped  with  her  keyboard  and  song                                   before publication.  As  the  saying goes  “a  week is  a
       books.                                                                               long time in politics”. Already this week we have had
                                                                                            the  King’s  speech,  laying  out  the  program  for  the
       The  first  number  –  ‘Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’                          new Parliamentary term, and a reshuffle – where the
       was successful encouragement to the reluctant choristers. Songs from the past –      Prime Minister changed his top team in Government. I
       from musicals – and new words to old tunes,    from ’ Master of the House’  [Les     was  very  pleased  to  be  asked  to  continue  in  my
       Miserables], to ‘Who Do You Think You Are Kidding?’ [Dad’s Army]  -   from ‘The      current  role  as  HM  Solicitor  General,  which  includes
       Traffic Warden and the Dentist’  [sung to Vaughan Williams ‘Linden Lea’] to ‘The     supporting  and  advising  the  Government  on  legal
       Wombles  of  Wimbledon’  and  several  more  –  a  truly  varied  medley  across  the   issues amongst other things. If you want to know more
       years bringing back some enjoyable memories.                                         about that work, you can sign up on my website for my email newsletter. I send

       Judging  by  the  applause  at  the  end  of  class,  Caroline  easily  overcame  the   this  roughly  once  a  month,  and  it  has  details  of  my  work  here  in  Dorset  and
       protests to provide an evening enjoyed by all                                        Poole, and also my Parliamentary work in London.
                                                            Next   month    the              There are many conflicts in the world at the moment, not least in the Middle East
                                                            members    will   be            and specifically Israel and Gaza. These are situations that are fast moving and
                                                            enjoying  their  annual         change daily.  You can find my thoughts on the situation on my website.
                                                            Christmas  lunch  at                                                     Closer  to  home,  I  recently
                                                            The  Thimble  Inn  and                                                   attended   several   Acts   of
                                                            will  meet  again  in                                                    Remembrance      across   the
                                                            January  for their New                                                   constituency.  I  would  like  to
                                                            Year party.                                                              extend  my  thanks  to  the  Royal
                                                            We  have  welcomed                                                       British  Legion,  and  all  volunteers
                                                            several new members                                                      and organisers of these events for
                                                            this  year  but  are                                                     their  hard   work.  Supporting
                                                            always  pleased  to                                                      veterans  is  a  key  pledge  of  the
                                                            meet   new    faces.                                                     Government,  and  the  Veterans
                                                            Three  visits  with  no                                                  Minister  is  calling  for  UK  veterans
       payment means you could come along to meet us without obligation.                                                             and  their  families  to  share  their
                                                                                            views  and  experiences  in  a  consultation  to  help  shape  the  future  of  veteran
       If  you  would  like  any  further  information,  please  do  not  hesitate  to  telephone/  policies.  The  consultation  covers  a  wide  range  of  policy  areas  -  focussing  on
       email                                                                                subjects  such  as  employment,  housing,  finance,  public  perception,  and
                                                                                            recognition  of  veterans.    You  can  find  it  here
       Di Pitts – 01929 471322                                    consultations/supporting-our-veterans-a-consultation and it is open until January.
       Clivena Thomas    -                               There is a dedicated section on my website with links to support for our veterans,
                                                                                            alongside  information  about  help  with  the  cost  of  living.  On  that  subject,  I’m
                                                                                            delighted that inflation is falling – and is now below 5%, which means that things
                                                                                            will cost less, and you will keep more of your salary each month.

                                                                                            As we look towards Christmas, I will be publicising local Christmas events on my
                                                                                            social media channels again this year. If you're hosting an event or service that

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