Page 61 - BR December 2023
P. 61

December 2023                       December 2023

       I  last  visited  Droitwich  Spa  Lido  on
       30 .May  2008  with  my  friend  Dave
       Pratten in our bid to swim a mile in every
       UK lido. It  was  one  of the pools  in Janet
       Smith’s book “Liquid Assets” detailing the
       history of the great British lido. In the back
       of Janet’s brilliant book published in 2005
       was a long list of around 400/500 defunct
       lidos and Droitwich was amongst them.
       It  had  closed  in  2000  and  I  guess  many
       thought that it would never open again.
       However, amazingly with a great deal of
       local  support  and  2  million  pounds  worth  of  refurbishment,  the  pool  rose  like
       phoenix from the ashes. In 2007 the year it re-opened, 23,000 people used it in a
       really poor summer.
                                            When we arrived, the early evening sun
                                            was still shining brightly on the pool and
                                            it  seemed  to  positively  sparkle  and
                                            glisten.  Diana  and  I  were  given  a
                                            friendly  welcome  by  Matt  Jupp  who
                                            manages  the  pool  with  his  colleague
                                            Sandra  Webb.  Matt  comes  from
                                            London  and  has  spent  a  couple  of
                                            seasons  at  the  lido  working  for
                                            Wychavon  Leisure  at  Droitwich  along
                                            wi th  Persh ore ,  Eves ham  an d
                                            Bromsgrove  leisure  centres  during  the
                                            winter months.
       The lido dates back to 1935 when Mr Ralph Lynn accompanied by his daughter
       Betty, declared the new pool open on Whit Monday, 6 . June. It is one of only a
       few brine pools in the country and when I swam there in 2008, the water tasted
       very salty indeed so would it be the same today?
       More later...

       The pool currently has a marvellous exhibition brought about by the Droitwich Air
       Cadets supported by Wychavon District Council Community Service. They carried
       out  research  on  the  lido  into  news  and  photo  archives,  selecting  and  editing
       stories and images and developing scripts to share with the wider community. The
       exhibition  presents  a  fascinating  audio  and  visual  insight  into  the  history  of  the
       pool and includes some amazing interviews with past regular users. It is well worth

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