Page 56 - BR December 2023
P. 56

December 2023                                                                       December 2023


                                                                                           Last  year,  the  Council
                                                                                           were  able  to  secure  a
                                                                                           n u m b e r    o f    f i l l e d
                                                                                           sandbags.    These   are
                                                                                           avai lable    for   any
                                                                                           parishioners to borrow if it
                                                                                           looks  like  they  might  be
                                                                                           affected by flooding. If you need to borrow any sandbags, please contact the
                                                                                           Clerk on

                                                                                           Fencing at Egdon Close

        book is all handwritten recipes collected it appears by one lady from friends from   Having  been  asked  by  multiple  residents  for  an  explanation  of  why  the  path
        other places in the country.  I think this must be about 1951 or before.  These were   through the residents car park at Egdon Close had been fenced off recently, we
        days of food rationing, with food shortages before photocopies, and paper was      have reached out to  Aster Housing for an explanation and will give an update
        short.  Recipes were precious.  People jealously guarded their baking secrets.     when we get more information..

        I  will  be  making  a  presentation  of  the  book  at  the  November  History  Society
        meeting and maybe will try some of the recipes for consumption.                    Wildlife Group
        There are recipes for marmalades and jams one of which is dated 1902.  There       The  Wildlife  Group  meet  on the  first  Saturday  of every  month,  but  are in urgent
        are plenty of cakes.  One is described as ‘a very fine cake’   another cake is a   need of more volunteers in order to continue. If you could spare a couple of hours
        welsh cake called Bryn Asaph cake.  No mention of this on the internet although    once a month, to help with a variety of tasks in relation to improving the areas
        there is a cake shop in the North Wales village of St Asaphs.  There are Victoria   around the Nature Reserve, stream and footpaths in particular, then contact Mike
        Buns made with Ground rice.                                                        Gee on
        The measurements are imperial and refer to gills and handfuls.  The oven cooking
        instructions  are  interesting  and  need  interpretation.    There  are  recipes  using   Communibus Trips
        dripping and a large section on the salting pickling and pressing of meats.  Others
        are  cold  remedies  and  cough  remedies.    Some  look  very  unexciting  and  one   These are proving incredibly popular and the bus is now out almost every week.
        using tinned lobster.                                                              The programme for the remainder of the year is as follows:

        I hope that over the next few months we will be able to try some of these recipes   Dec 6th Palmer’s Nursery - £10 Depart 10am
        and  print  them  in  the  parish  magazine.    Some  of  them  may  be  very  similar  to
        those recipes in common use today.  Some may be rather ordinary compared to        Dec 12th Xmas Lunch* & Lights - £10 Depart 1pm
        the luxurious cakes and bakes we have today.  It will be interesting to go back
        and  see  what  the  fashionable  recipe  was  in  past  times  and  see  if  there  is   Dec 18th Xmas Lunch* & Lights - £10 Depart 1pm
        anything in the book that might be different or original.                          Lunch at additional cost
                                                                                           To book please contact Kim Benjafield on 01929 471170
                                                                                           Trips  for 2024  will be  announced in  due course,  and  any  queries  relating to the
                                                                                           Communibus can be directed to the clerk or a Parish Councillor.

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