Page 55 - BR December 2023
P. 55

December 2023                       December 2023

 Salt and Pepper Lunch Club   man’s dream  just  see  it,  buy  it,  plant  it hope  for  the  best  and  when  it dies  buy
       another one.  According to Roger, it’s all about happy plants.  Some don’t like to
 The  Lunch  Club  meets  on  the  third  Thursday  of  the  month  and  is  open  to  all   be planted next to each other.  Some don’t like it too cold.  You should find the
 parishioners.  A  three-course  meal  will  cost  £6  and  vegetarian,  and  gluten  free   cold spots in your garden by putting buckets of water out to see where the ice
 options are available if ordered in advance. In order to book a meal and find out   forms thickest.  Think about what you do in your garden?  What kind of gardener
 menu information, please contact Brenda House on 01929 471255.   are you? Where do you look out of your house? Where do you sit?  What colours
       should  you  have?    What  colour  berries  in  succession  to  feed  the  birds?    The

       permutations are endless.
 Wild Woodbury Drop In
       If you can get out in your garden next weekend have a walk round and think very
 Dorset  Wildlife  Trust  will  be  holding  a  drop  in  open  morning  at  Wild  Woodbury   carefully about new plants.  To be honest I haven’t the time it’s as much as I can
 between  10-12  on  Sunday  3   December  where  they  hope  to  show  off  their   do to cut the grass.  If I see a shrub I like and have the energy to plant it and it will
 revamped  barn  and  display  plans  for  their  further  improvements  in  the  area.   grow on chalk that is good enough.  I strimmed one shrub, by accident, this year
 There will be an opportunity to meet some of the team and ask any questions.   and it’s looking pretty poorly.  It’s been strimmed twice now but it keeps going so
       must like the position.

 New SID Location   Next month we have a picture garden quiz on 5  December in the Drax hall.  I
       hope  this  will  be  fun  and  we  will  learn  as  we  go  and  well  as  some  fun  with
 We have recently received permission from Dorset Highways that we can add a   seasonal refreshments
 further  SID  location  at  the  bottom  of  Rye  Hill,  and  we  will  include  this  in  our
 rotation of locations.


 Every year, the Parish Council must set a budget for submission to Dorset Council.   I enjoy browsing through a
 The  budget,  like  any  business  budget,  consists  of  projected  income  and   recipe  book.    I  pick  them
 projected  expenditure.  The  difference  between  the income  and  expenditure  is   up cheap in charity shops
       and  my  shelves  are  full  of
       them.   Why you may ask?
       You  Google  what  you
       want  to  cook,  and  sure
       enough there it is which a
       choice of variations.  There
       a r e    c o o k e r y    T V
       programmes,      chef’s
       programmes,  international
       programmes    and    just
       mouthwatering    recipes
       pop   up   on   YouTube.
       Google  and  Facebook
       know  what  I  look  at.    There  is  only  me.    Why  do  I  want  to  cook?  Apart  from
       preserves I only cook for Salt and Pepper once a month.  (This month Mary Berry’s
       Classic English Trifle with pears and strawberry jam.)
       The modern recipe boundaries are limitless.  Why was I so excited to be given an
       old  recipe  book,  found  in  the  church  by  Gloria  Curtis?    I  think  it’s  because  this

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