Page 31 - BR December 2023
P. 31

December 2023                       December 2023

 a visit for this alone. I gather that at the end
 of the season, the plan is for the exhibition to
 tour local community spaces.

 The  pool  measures  44  x  22  yards  (I  still  love
 imperial  measure!)  and  is  kept  in  pristine
 condition  and  at  a  temperature  of  25
 degrees C. It becomes quite shallow at the
 end  incorporating  a  lovely  fountain  and  a
 boom  was  in  place  on  the  afternoon I  was
    Beyond the main pool was a children’s play
 area with water cannons for water fights and
 small children’s pool at the far end to every
 child’s  delight.  The  pool  surrounds  were
 made with soft rubberised materiel and very
 child friendly. Since its refurbishment the pool
 floor and sides have been lined with a plastic
 cover   cutting   maintenance   costs
 Talking  to  Matt  it  became  clear  that  the
 Friends  of  Droitwich  Lido  formed  in  2010  were  actively  supporting  the  pool
 organising raffles, tombola and late night swims with local musicians. An initiative
 that I particularly liked was that the Friends were setting aside £2,000 to purchase
 650 entry tickets to offer free entry to local schools and other organisations. This
 was surely an excellent way to spread the word that  the lido was  the  place  to
 come, bring a picnic and have a good day out.
 This year the pool had done particularly well with over 15,000 customers coming
 through  the  gates  much  boosted  by  a  fine  and  sunny  first  week  of  the  school
 holidays. Over the last few days over a 1,000 people a day had been using the
 lido. Brilliant!
 Time  for  my  dip  and  I  quickly  changed  in  the  spacious  and  clean  changing
 rooms. No changing village here and the sexes were properly segregated much
 to my approval. As I lowered myself down the steps, I felt the pleasant sensation
 of  the  warm  water  around  me.  I  pushed  off
 the side and set out for my first length only to
 find  that  the  expected  salty  taste  was  not
 there.  Somehow  the  brine  had  been  taken
 out of the pool and I was left wondering how
 this could be. Frankly the water tasted much
 like  any  other  pool  which  was  a  little
 disappointing.  But  no  matter,  this  still  was  a
 magical  place  to  swim  and  I  enjoyed  every
 moment of it.

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