Page 36 - BR December 2023
P. 36

December 2023                                                                       December 2023

                      BERE REGIS NEWS                                                       BERE REGIS HISTORY SOCIETY

                                                                                            We  had  a  meeting  in  the  Village  Hall  on  25th  October.  To
       BERE REGIS PARISH COUNCIL                                                            show  that  we  are  embracing  new  technology,  Des  brought
                                                                                            along  the  Society's  metal  detector  which  has  helped  on  the
                                                                                            Trenches in the Museum garden during this year. Another item
       Chairman:       n Park   07970 727792                shown  was  a  V.R.  (Virtual  Reality)  head-set  and  some
                                                                                            members  gave  it  a  try.  One  is  able  to  visit  sites  such  as
                                                                                            Stonehenge and move about the location virtually. It can also
       Vice       Bryan     07969 770890                 be  used  to  visit  active  archaeological  excavations,  on  line,
       Chairman:  Benjafield                                                                and see how that work is progressing. We might video one of
                                                                                            our own Trench-digs in the future so that members can share a local dig.
       Parish     Amanda    07855 396073
       Clerk:     Crocker                                                                   A member brought along finds made in the allotment gardens near "The Cross" at
                                                                                            Bere Regis. Two trays were separated into groups such as brick, tile, flints, bottle
                                                                                            stoppers  (from  the  1940s)  and  several  pieces  of  pottery  and  glass.  Most  of  the
       Websites:                                                             pottery was Early Modern, or
                                                                                                                                          up to 250 years old, but two
                                                                                                                                          small  pieces  were  cleaned
       The Parish Council met on Thursday 9  November 2023 in the Village Hall. There                                                     then  identified  as  a  late
       were no members of the public were present. Members of the press and public                                                        Mediaeval  piece  of  about
       are welcome and there is a period for public participation at the start. If you are                                                1350  to  1450,  and  the  "star
       unable to attend but wish to submit a comment or question, please contact the                                                      find"  of  a  small  piece  of
       Clerk or any member of the Parish Council.                                                                                         Romano-British pot dating to
                                                                                                                                          about  200  to  300  AD,  and

                                                                                                                                          probably  a  drinking  vessel
       New Councillor                                                                                                                     fragment  thrown out after it
                                                                                                                                          was dropped.
       Following  our  recent  vacancy,  the  Council  were  delighted  to  Co-opt  Sam
       Bardwell to fill the role. We look forward to Sam’s input and contribution.                                                        We  meet  on  the  fourth
                                                                                                                                          Wednesday of each month,

                                                                                             Unusual find made in November                but   will   be   skipping
       Grants Available                                                                                                                   December    and   January,

       Each year the Council budgets for an                                                                                               and all are welcome.
       amount  of  money  to  be  given  to                                                                                             John Pitfield, Projects Secretary
       local  community  groups  through
       grant applications. If you would like to
       apply for one of these grants, please
       c o n t a c t    t h e    C l e r k    o n  There  are
       also  individual  grants  for  young
       people available through The Thomas
       Williams  Trust,  further  details  of  which
       can be found at

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