Page 20 - br-dec-2022
P. 20

December 2022                       December 2022

 (where  Lys  cottages  are  now  situated).
 This  varied  programme  of  talks  and
 entertainment   combined   with   tea
 continued with members coming from far
 and  wide.    A  concert  party  called  the
 Gadabouts  was  formed  and  affiliated to
 the  Autumn  Leaves  and  put  on  shows
 and  entertainment.    This  group  also
 supported the Annual Carnival with floats
 winning the Carnival Float cup over many

 There were annual outings to Sidmouth.  Meetings were moved to the Drax (now
 Villlage) Hall.  By the 25  anniversary the club had changed to over 50’s and the
 celebrations took place with a sit-down meal in the Royal Oak.
 In  the  late  1980’s  a  singing
    group was formed called the
 Woodbury  Hill  singers.    They
 raised money for the  Autumn
 Leaves,  Guide  dogs  for  the
 Blind,  the  Drax  Hall,  and
 village seats.
 In  or  about  2012  meetings
 were moved to the Scout hut.
 Kath continued to be actively

 involved in running the club right up until she
 was  well  into  her  nineties.    We  lost  Kath  just
 before  the  Pandemic.    There  were  no
 meetings  for  over  two  years.  The  group
 started  up  again  this  April  moving  the
 meeting  day  to  the  First  Thursday  of  the
 month.    The  Autumn  Leaves  continue  to
 flourish  as  the  First  Thursday  Club  providing
 tea talks and entertainment at the Scout hut.
 Please  come  along  and  join  us.    There  is  no
 joining fee just turn up.  There is a tea, a raffle
 and a talk or entertainment at present it costs

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