Page 18 - br-dec-2022
P. 18

December 2022                       December 2022

 Sue entertained us with an intriguing quiz about
 Bere Regis after which, there was the usual raffle
 and the afternoon was concluded by a special   CHAPEL
 comeback  performance  by  the  Woodbury  Hill
       December News
 Thanks  are  due,  not  only  to  all  those  who
 worked  so  hard  to  make  it  a  successful   The  weather  at  the  moment    is  still  very  mild  and  not
 afternoon,  but  also  to  all  the  members  and   feeling like November at all but it will I am sure change .
 visitors for coming to share in our special day.   Bere Heaths Events in December are:

 We look forward to seeing you all again at 2.30   Sunday 4  December – Monthly Service at 2pm led by
 on  Thursday  1st  December  when  our  speaker   our  Minister  Rev  John  Yarrien  followed  by  our  Annual
 will be Phil Griffin from the Dorset and Somerset   meeting Church Council . All welcome
 Air Ambulance.   Saturday 10  December -   Craft and Kids – 2.30- 3.45pm – This is for Children and
 Our  meeting  on  Thursday  5   January  will  be  a   parents.  Plenty  of  things  to  do,  refreshments  ,  relaxed  atmosphere  .    Do  come
 New Year Celebration!   along and give it a try
 SB    Tuesday 20  December -   Carol Service at 6.30pm  led by Rev John Yarrien and
       Peter Jenner.
       Carols  and  readings  followed  by  Refreshments.  All  welcome  and  remember  to
 THE RISKS OF HYPOTHERMIA   bring a torch.
       Please note that our January service will be on SUNDAY 8  JANUARY at 2pm . It
 HypOthermia is when a person’s body temperature gets lower than normal. Think   will be our annual Covenant  with Holy Communion. All are welcome.
 of  the  O  as  Zero  degrees!  It  is  the  opposite  of  HypERthermia  which  is  when  a
 person  overheats.  Both  conditions  are  very  dangerous,  especially  for  older   May I wish you all on behalf of Bere Heath Chapel a very Happy Christmas and
 people, the very young and those with certain medical problems. When the body   very Best Wishes for 2023.
 temperature  drops,  from  37  degrees  down  to  35  degrees  or  less,  the  heart,   Peter Jenner – Lay Worker at Bere Heath Chapel.
 nervous  system  and  other  organs  cannot  work  normally.  Left  untreated,
 hypothermia  can  lead  to  complete  failure  of  the  heart  and  respiratory  system
 and eventually to death.

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 However,  just  recently  I
 have  met  several  of  my   Phone Debbie Scott FCCA, ATII on 01258 830304
 neighbours who are very

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