Page 16 - br-dec-2022
P. 16

December 2022                       December 2022

    if they are wet or damp, get them into dry clothes   OTHER CHURCHES NEWS
    wrap them in a blanket, covering their head

    give them  a warm  non-alcoholic  drink  and  some  sugary  food if they  are   BERE REGIS CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH
 fully awake
    keep them awake by talking to them until help arrives   With Christmas approaching, my thoughts have turned to the Gospel of Matthew,

    make sure you or someone else stays with them.   particularly chapter 2:1-12 (I would encourage you to go and read that passage).
 A  person  suffering  from  hypothermia  should  be  warmed  up  over  several  hours,   Here in this short text, we heard the account of the visit of the wise men who were
 about the same time as it took them to become chilled. It is very dangerous to   seeking the infant Jesus. To my mind, there are three particular details that stand
 warm them too quickly.    out in a striking manner.
 Remember what NOT to do   The first detail is that when the wise men arrived in Jerusalem and spoke to Herod,
       Herod  asked  the  religious  scholars  of  the  day  where  the  Christ  was  to  be  born.
    do NOT use a hot bath, hot water bottle or heat lamp to warm them up   They didn’t have books like we have books, but they had writings which were on a
       scroll, so they turned to the scroll of Micah, which is now one of the books of our
    do NOT rub their arms, legs, feet or hands   Bible,  and  read  a  500  year  old  prophesy  that  the  Christ  would  be  born  in

    do NOT give them alcohol to drink.   Bethlehem. To put it in perspective, 500 years ago, the King of England was a man
       who was perhaps the most infamous king we have ever had, King Henry VIII. The
 Recent figures from the ONS show that in England and Wales, there were about   time gap between Micah and Jesus was the same time gap between Herny VIII
 8,500 deaths due to cold homes last winter.  With the worries about fuel bills this   and today, and yet Micah said that from Bethlehem would come forth one who
 number could rise this winter. Please be aware of the danger of hypothermia and   would rule the people of Israel. The Bible is full of hundreds of ancient prophesies
 economise safely.   that have come to pass with total accuracy in human history, some of which are
       still happening before our very eyes today, and this shows us that this is not just any
 Janey Gordon   book  that  we  are dealing with,  but that  it  is  a supernatural book  given  by God
       The second striking detail is that when the wise men get into Bethlehem and find
       the infant  Jesus,  they  worship  Him.  The  Bible is  clear and  consistent  from start  to
       finish that worship should be given to God and to God alone. If Jesus was at all less
       than God, then these wise men would be sinning, and in a sense Jesus would be
 Did you Know?   too,  He  would  become  flawed by  their  worship as  they  would  have turned Him
       into a false idol, but this is not the case. The fact of the matter is that Jesus Christ
 Would you like to have the parish magazine delivered   was a man who was no ordinary man, but rather He was what we call the God-
 to your door each month if you live within the   man,  God  who  came  and  took  on  human  flesh,  to  walk  amongst  us,  reaching
 parishes?   down to meet us where we were at. As one famous carol says, He was “Veiled in
       flesh, the Godhead see, hail the incarnate deity.”
 We have a fantastic team of volunteer distributors
 who undertake the delivery of this magazine, and for   The  third  striking  detail  is  the  fact  that  these  wise  men  brought  Jesus  three  gifts,
 just £10 a year (which is £2 less than you would pay   and much has been said and written about these gifts throughout history. The gold
 at the retail price and no charge for delivery),  you   was given in recognition of His kingship and royal lineage.  The frankincense was
 could be included on one of these rounds.   given because he would be a priest for us, representing God to man and man to
       God,  and  the  myrrh  was  given,  because  myrrh  was  used  for  the  embalming  of
 Contact the Editor, for more information:  Alison   corpses, and thus stands as a stark reminder that this baby, even at the beginning
 Debenham    or  471780   of  His  life,  had  come  into  the  world  specifically  to  die.  Each  of  us  were  once  a

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