Page 24 - br-dec-2022
P. 24

December 2022                       December 2022

        Since  my  last  column,  British  politics  has  had  more
 At  last  some  good  news.  We  have  secured  the  building   changes,  but  we  are  now  in  a  time  of  greater
 which will contain our Museum. It is on a site that contains   stability. I am very pleased that Rishi Sunak is our new
 0.25 acres (0.1 hectares) of Bere Regis's oldest cemetery,   Prime  Minister.  I  believe  that  he  is  a  talented  and
 and  the  information  obtained  so  far  indicates  that  there   hardworking MP who has the skills and experience to
 are  almost  3,000  cremation  burials  in  that  small  space.   tackle the big issues that  we face, such as a global
 They date between 550-450 BC and additionally between   energy crisis, the war in Ukraine, the impact of Covid
 50 and 210 AD.   on  our  economy  and  health  service  and  high
        inflation.  He  and  I  entered  Parliament  at  the  same
 The  building  itself  contains  almost  100,000  items,  many  connected  to  village   time   and   I   will   continue   to   support   him
 history,  and  almost  all  with  no  intrinsic  value  thank  goodness.  There  will  be  four   wholeheartedly.
 rooms  to  the  Museum,  these  being  Reception  and  files,  the  Exhibition  Area,
 Records and the Library.   As I write, people are preparing for Acts of Remembrance across the UK. Whilst
        we remember those who died in defence of our country, I know many people
 The collection is dominated by the Local Finds and Information but in addition has   will also be thinking of those who are still fighting for freedom in Ukraine. I know
 an associated grouping of things, which here includes World War One and WW2,   our  new  Prime  Minister  will  continue  our  support  for  Ukraine,  including  military
 British  Aviation,  British  Science  Projects,  General  History,  Archaeology  both  local   training  and  arms,  and  support  for  refugees.  As  part  of  my  role  as  Solicitor
 and national and international,  Astronomy and several other subjects. There will   General I recently had a meeting with Ukraine’s Prosecutor General where we
 be   an   extensive
    i n d e x    t o    t h e   discussed the UK’s ongoing support for the prosecution of war crimes in Ukraine
        through  the  Atrocity  Crimes  Advisory  Group  and  the  work  that  the  UK
 collection   made   government is funding to train Ukrainian judges on domestic war crimes trials.
 a v a i l a b l e    t o
 M e m b e r s    a n d   The  Veterans  All  Party  Parliamentary  Group  (APPG)  has  just  launched  a  short
 Friends if they should   nationwide  survey  to  gather  information  on  the  individual  experiences  of  UK
 be   interested   or   veterans when dealing with ‘Veterans UK’.  If you have experience of this, please
 want to look through   do contribute your view.
 the collections.                           In  the  constituency  I  have  been  out

 One  other  thing  is                      and about, visiting local businesses and
 certain. The BRHS has                      meeting  residents.  With  business
 to   th an k   ou r                        owners  in  Wimborne  we discussed  the
 supporters who have                        challenge  of  rising  energy  bills,  and  I
 helped   to   ensure                       am  pleased  that  the  Chancellor  has
 that  our  future  has                     put  in  place  more  help  to  non-
 possibilities.                             domestic customers with a discount on
                                            energy  use  for  at  least  6  months.  This
 John Pitfield                              will help businesses, charities, and other
 Some 2022 finds                            places  such  as  schools,  hospitals  and
 Projects Secretary
                                            care  homes.  One  such  organisation
               Opening Tops Day Nursery     that  will  benefit  is  Tops  Day  Nursery  in
                                            Bearwood  which  I  opened  recently.

        We  also  planted  an  apple  tree,  which  seems  to  be  a  bit  of  a  theme  -  I  also
        planted  a  tree  with  the  mayor  of  Wimborne  in  memory  of  Her  Late  Majesty
        Queen Elizabeth II.

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