Page 13 - br-dec-2022
P. 13

December 2022                                                                       December 2022

       FROM THE AFFPUDDLE CHURCHWARDEN                                                      THE ALTERNATIVE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS

                                                                                            On the 1st day of Christmas my true love said to me I'm glad we bought a turkey
       Congregation                                                                         and a proper Christmas tree.
       The  number  of people attending church in  our  parish  has  gone  down  over  the   On the 2nd day of Christmas much laughter could be heard as we tucked into
       years  that  I  have  lived  here.  I  often  ask  myself  -  why  has  the  congregation   turkey a most delicious bird.
       reduced?  The  answer  is,  unfortunately,  very  simple.  The  older  members  of  the
       congregation  have  died,  and  their  offspring  have  not  joined  the  church.  In   On the 3rd day of Christmas we had friends in from next door, the turkey tasted
       Affpuddle we have another problem. The price of houses has risen so much that        just as it did the day before.
       young families are less likely to move in.
                                                                                            On  the  4th  day  of  Christmas  Gran  came,  she's  rather  old,  we  finished  up  the
       There are, however, two school buses that come through our village, and I would      Christmas pud and ate the turkey cold.
       love it if we were asked to give those children a lift to the church on Sunday. But
       our service does not attract them. There are lots more children in Bere Regis and    On the 5th day of Christmas outside the snowflakes flurried but we were nice and
       seeing  many  of  them  in  scout  uniform  at  the  remembrance  service  last  month   warm inside we had the turkey curried.
       was a treat.                                                                         On  the  6th  day  of  Christmas  the  turkey  spirit  died,  the  children  fought  and

       Our vicar, Richard, recognises that it would be good to see young adults attend      bickered so we had turkey fried.
       our services. He is in conversation with Chaplain Matthew, the army chaplain of      On the 7th day of Christmas  my  true love gave a wince when we sat down to
       Lulworth  and  Bovington,  where  there  are  lots  of  young  men  and  ladies.  So,   dinner we had turkey mince.
       conversations  are  pursuing  between clergy  and  staff of  West  Purbeck  Benefice
       and the army chaplain. We were invited to join Revd Matt at Lulworth last month.     On  the  8th  day  of  Christmas  the  dog  ran  out  for  shelter  as  I  served  up  turkey
       Some  of  the  army  staff  have  visited  our  churches  and  some  of  our  team  have   pancakes and a glas of alkaselzer.
       attended  St  George’s  chapel  in  Bovington.  Discussions  are  ongoing  about     On the 9th day of Christmas by lunch time Dad was blotto, he knew that bird was
       widening the exchange.
                                                                                            back again, this time it was risotto.
       Meanwhile, our benefice clergy have arranged special services when lots of fun       On the 10th day of Christmas the air was rather blue as everybody grumbled at
       things are happening. We have now got a regular program of activities at 4pm         eating turkey stew.
       on  each  of the  four  Sundays  of the month  (with  a joint  benefice  at  one  of  our
       churches  on  each  of  the  fifth  Sundays  of  the  month).  They  are  all  advertised   On  the  11th  day  of  Christmas  the  Christmas  tree  was  moulting,  with  a  hot  and
       elsewhere  in  this  magazine.  They  are  in  different  places  throughout  the  seven   spicy sauce the turkey was revolting.
       churches of the benefice.
                                                                                            On the 12th day of Christmas we had smiles on our faces, the guests had gone,
       One of the topics we have discussed is the sad decline in the numbers attending      the turkey too and we had fish and chips.
       church services. Separately, I have visited several different churches around the
       area  to  find  out  how  they  are  serving  the  community  -  Bere  Heath,  Moreton,
       Tincleton etc. The services with fewest congregation tend to be the old-fashioned    Thanks to Eileen
       communions. But I think you will find the younger folk will enjoy all the 4 o’clock   Maidment   for
       meetings.                                                                            this    -  not  the
                                                                                            original  author
                                                                                            but   a   great
                                                                   Mike Menzies             giggle!
                                                   Church Warden, LWL, Affpuddle

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