Page 78 - br-dec-2020
P. 78

December 2020                                                                       December 2020

       SHAGGY DOG STORY  -  DOG BLOG                                                                                     Charles Bright was born in Bere Regis and lived
                                                                                                                         at Shitterton. He served in the 5  Battalion of the
                                                                                                                         Dorsetshire Regiment. He was killed in action in
       The  rule  of  six  has  ended  and  at  the  time  of                                                            Gallipoli on the 21 August 1915 on the same day
       writing  we  are  back  in  lockdown.    It  is  harder                                                           as  four  other  men  from  Bere  Regis.  He  was  22
       than  before,  the  weather  is  worse,  wet  and                                                                 years old.
       windy,  days  are  shorter,  and  nights  are  longer.
       We are not going to the pub (No biscuits for me).                                                                 Henry Bright, half-brother of Charles Bright, was
                                                                                                                         a farm labourer from Shitterton. He served in the
       We  are  having  virtual  coffee.  We  are  still  going
       for  short  walks  (Woolsbarrow  Hill  Fort  again,  Bog                                                          Royal Fusiliers and was killed on the 13 October
       Lane Green Space and Oakers Wood) when the                                                                        1916 during the Battle of the Somme. He was 37
       weather is good.    There are more shops open                                                                     years old.
       than last time.  The schools are open.  My owner                                                                  Harry Brown was born in Bere Regis and lived at
       is  back  to  cutting  her  own  hair.  The  hair  bands                                                          Roke  Farm  Cottages.  He  served  in  the  5
       will  be  used  again  soon.    I  think  it  will  be  New                                                       Battalion,  Dorsetshire  Regiment  and  died  from
       Year before she can get another appointment at                                                                    wounds  sustained  during  the  battle  of  the
       Hair Visions.                                                                                                     Somme. He died in one of the base hospitals at
                                                                                            Etaples, France. He was 21 years old.
       We are saving money, nowhere to go, no trips to
       Cinemas, no Purbeck Film Festival, or meals out.                                     Frederick  Burgess,  Army  Service  Corps,  died  from  wounds  sustained  during  the
       No reason to buy any new clothes — we can manage with the existing wardrobe.         Battle of Loos, on 18 November 1915 at the age of 33. He left a widow and four
       Some  people  are  spending  money  on  DIY  but  my  owner  is  not  motivated,  just   young daughters at 48 West Street, Bere Regis.
       keeps looking at it.
                                                                                            William  Burt  was  born  in  Bere  Regis  and  lived  in  Shitterton.  He  served  with  the
       She goes out in the garden and has cut the grass and picked up leaves.  She has      Hampshire Regiment and  was killed in action on the 26 October 1918, ten days
       made some more chutney. Honestly the days are rather boring.                         before the end of the war. He was 21 when he died and was an only son.

                                                 Before we were locked down she
                                                                                            Charles Churchill was born in Milborne St Andrew. He enlisted, under age, at 15½
                                                 carved    the   pumpkin    for             into  the  5th  Battalion,  Dorsetshire  Regiment.  He  was  17  when  he  was  sent  to
                                                 Halloween. The clocks have gone            Gallipoli and just 18 when he was killed on the 21 August 1915.
                                                 back.  I hate that time of year the
                                                 evenings are dark.  And for some           Percy  Cobb  was  born  in  Bere  Regis  and  lived  at  Court  Green  Farm.  He  was  a
                                                 reason she gets up later and I get         Corporal in the Royal Field Artillery and was killed on the 14 April 1917. He was 19
                                                 fed  an  hour  later.    My  owner  is     years old.
                                                 convinced  I  have  a  clock  in  my                                st                                           th
                                                 tummy as I always know when it is          Percy  Cox  served  with  the  1   Battalion,  Dorsetshire  Regiment  and  died  on  11
                                                 supper  time.    I  often  have  to        August 1918 during the Battle of Amiens, at the age of 22.
                                                 remind her.                                His brother,  William Cox, was a ship’s cook on HMS Good Hope and died on1st
                                                                                            November 1914, aged 28, when his ship was sunk with the loss of all 1000 sailors
                                                 She has this theory that the clocks
                                                 should  not  go  forward  and  back.       during the Battle of Coronel, the first naval engagement of the Great War.
                                                 The  world  should  be  on  world          Arthur Crabbe served with the Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry and was killed in
       time,  i.e.  Greenwich Mean  Time,  and  countries  and  regions  should just  allocate   action on the 2 April 1918 at the age of 36. His parents lived at Roke Farm.
       two things, the standard working day, and school times.  In effect the clock stays
       the same wherever you are and it is only the times at which you do things which      Fred  Davis  was  born  in  Bere  Regis  and  lived  with  his  widowed  mother  and  8
       changes.    We  could  have  our  own  time  and  not  be  on  Euro  working  day  and   siblings in  West  Street,    opposite  the  Royal  Oak.  He emigrated  to  Canada  and
       Scotland could have its own working day.  This could be really useful next summer    enlisted  in  the  Canadian  Army.  He  was  killed  on  the  13  June  1916  during  the

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