Page 71 - br-dec-2020
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December 2020                       December 2020

 Dorset Council has a key leadership role to play in tackling climate change and   The queen arrives first, wearing a pale
 dealing with its consequences, but we can only hope to make a real impact by   blue tweed suit.  She springs out of the
 working  closely  with  communities,  organisations  and  individuals.  Part  of  this  is   car  and  marches  energetically
 finding  out  what  you  think  about  our  proposed  Climate  and  Ecological   forward  towards  the  crowds.
 Emergency Strategy and  Action Plan, which sets out exactly how we intend to   Wouldn’t  you  think,  even  in  this
 help  tackle  climate  change.  We  need  to  work  together  to  overcome  this   atrocious  weather,  she  wouldn’t
 monumental challenge.  What we all do  – or don’t do – to address this climate   come  and  greet  her  subjects  in  a
 and  ecological  emergency  will  impact  our  children,  grandchildren  and  every   headscarf?    She  strides  straight  past
 other generation for centuries to come. What we agree now will set out how we –   me, and goes to the fourth person in
 both as a council and a county – will do in the future.   the  line.    Charles  and  Camilla  are
        next.    Camilla  looks  much  younger
 Please take the time to read our strategy and action plan, then let us know what   than she looks on the television.  That’s
 you  think.  Thank  you,  in  advance,  for  your  help.  This  consultation  about  the   Andrew  behind  –  you  can’t  mistake
 proposed  new  Dorset  Council  Climate  and  Ecological  Emergency  Strategy
 began  on  Thursday  29  October  and  closes  on  Wednesday  20  January  2021  at   that  fatuous  grin,  and  Sophie is  really
 midnight.   pretty  and  delicate-looking.    Andrew
        asks  me  whether  it  is  my  first  visit  to
 We  invite  your  comments  to  make  sure  we  have  considered  a  wide  range  of   Chelsea,  and  then  Prince  Michael
 views, which will help shape the final Dorset Strategy. We want to hear from as   asks  me  where  I’m  from,  and  smiles
 many organisations and individuals as possible.   and asks what kind of soil we have in
        Dorset,  but  doesn’t  wait  to  hear  the
 What  happens  next?  All  responses  to  the  consultation  will  be  collated.  The   answer.
 responses  will  be  used  to  help  shape  the  final  Climate  Strategy.  Councillors  will
 then  agree  the  final  details  of  the  strategy  which  the  council  adopts.  It  is   Another  heavy  shower  comes  down
 intended that the new strategy will be adopted by Dorset Council in Spring 2021.    as  I  leave  the  showground  to  meet
        Rob.    We  spend  our  evening  wining
 You  can  download  the  survey  at  and  dining  as  it  is  our  wedding
 offline.  Please  pass  this  on  to  whoever  you  feel  might  want  to  respond.  The   anniversary and I manage not to think
 strategy  and  all  supporting  documents  can  be  downloaded  and  printed  at   about my exhibit in the marquee.  We   Just   click   the   box   labelled   get  back  to  the  hotel  and  catch  up
 “Download  our  Climate  and  Ecological  Emergency  Strategy  as  PDF”  to  view/  on sleep we lost the night before.
 print/download the full strategy document. PDF files for each section, as well as
 action plans and technical papers can also be found on the website.   I  am  awakened  at  seven
        ringing.  It is my  mobile phone, inside

        my  handbag,  but,  half  asleep,  I  am
 Covid Marshals   struggling to find my handbag.
 Dorset Council recently sent out newly-recruited ‘COVID Marshals’ in Weymouth   “Mum,  it’s  me!”    exclaims  our  daughter  Miranda’s  voice  excitedly,  “I’ve  just
 to  help  residents  and  businesses  keep  safe  during  the  pandemic  and  current   looked on the internet, and you’ve got a Silver-Gilt!  Barbados Floral Society have
 lockdown.  Working closely with Dorset-based company Event Security Southern   got a Gold, you and someone else got silver-gilts, and then there are some silvers
 LTD, the Council is using recently awarded government funding to fully train and   and bronzes.  Congratulations!”
 deploy  dedicated  staff  to work  with  the  public  and business  owners in  specific
 local areas to ensure they are “COVID-19 secure”. Dorset Council has spent most   Maybe, just maybe, it won’t be my last chance at Chelsea after all.
 of  the  year  supporting  local  businesses  with  their  COVID-19  secure  guidance   Diana Holman
 through telephone conversations and non-visible contact. These  methods have
 been found to be effective and efficient, so this important work will continue. The
 Marshals  will  help  support  these  efforts  by  providing  an  effective  ‘frontline’

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